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Amazing how good the bezel looks on low light you can still see the green on the bezell and the bezel insert looks bright!
TD is Sead.
the pearl looks do not be properly centered or not?
modernclassic At the first, congrats for the 3d. it is very interesting. I think that's the best review of the VSF 116610 LV. But I have only one disappointment to do at this review (if you let me). The comparison about the 116610 LV is between the VSF and the ZZF V2S.. so considering that the last release of the ZZF factory is the v3 this comparision confuse me a little bit because it doesn't allow to compare the last release of the VSF factory with the last release of the ZZF factory. I have two question for you (and for all our community)..
- as far as you now.. the bezel insert of the ZZFV2S is the same of the ZZFV3?
- cold you point me out the differences about the dial of the two rep? (for me this is the hardest point to compare because I haven't found the comparision between this 2 rep and the gen).
Thank you all for reading my post. I wish you have all a good evening.
Good points.. yes I compared with a zzfv2s but with the stock and an ARF bracelet, which is basically what a zzfv3 is. The zzfv3 has a different bezel to the v2s, but also a different bezel to the VSF too.
Best of all, I compared to the quality and feel of a genuine watch, colour aside. I believe the dial colour of VSF to be superior, the zzffv2s was a little washed out compared to it. I answered these dial observations earlier in the thread I’m sure.
I believe VSF to be the best rep Sub you can buy. But I haven’t seen a zzfv3 or ZF or ARF.. but I/you/we really don’t need to.. VSF is it!
the pearl looks do not be properly centered or not?
It’s not going to be remotely visible, and only a clown would reject something like that. You wouldn’t even see it on most TD pics which are far lower res.
Haha I've been doing that all week. I ordered my VSF Hulk from Andrew 7 or so days ago and it made it stateside and cleared customs 2 days ago! They know their stuff and it'll be on my wrist by week's end????All look lovely! Enjoy guys.. now just the long wait looking at tracking info' every few hours for updates!
Calling a watch the best, without a handson comparison with the competition, might be a bit prematureEither way, the ZZF, the ZF and the VSF are all amazing, they all have tiny flaws, and people pick the flaws they can live with..)
Haha I've been doing that all week. I ordered my VSF Hulk from Andrew 7 or so days ago and it made it stateside and cleared customs 2 days ago! They know their stuff and it'll be on my wrist by week's end????
Pics on here are amazing can't wait to share!
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Calling a watch the best, without a handson comparison with the competition, might be a bit prematureEither way, the ZZF, the ZF and the VSF are all amazing, they all have tiny flaws, and people pick the flaws they can live with, and that's what makes it the best sub for them
I was hoping for a sunny day today. Feels like Seattle. I’ll post a couple of pictures later but I do want to say I do like the bracelet.
I bought an RXF Ln that I removed 2 links from, one on each side. Good fit. With the VSF I removed 3 links, 2 and 1 per side. It was a little tight at first, opened up the glide lock, feels great.
I should say I have a 7 1/2” wrist. The bracelet on the RXF is good, the VSF better. I’ve been trying to compare it to my ARF bracelet. I need a little more time with that.
One thing I can say is the snap closing the bracelet and clasp are superior. It feels real!
you’re located in Seattle?
i lived there, n Georgetown, for about a year and a half.
got there in october, dodnt stop raining until may haha
cool city though