Difficult situation... Trying to view this from a neutral point of view. I sincerely believea a postal employee took the stuff. I have received several packages with content missing. It happens everywhere not only at postal offices. Bagage handlers at airports steal a lot of stuff too. The not responding is ofcourse a bad thing but I do understand the situation. If anything would happen to my dogs the whole world could drop dead at that moment and my only focus would be the dogs knowing how selfish that is. I also can understand Barth's suspicion because it almost looks like a bad comedy film with so much bad things happening at the same time. However I do think that Hautehorloge spoke the truth. But that leaves a very shitty situation... Who is responsible in this case ? Let's say both Barth and Hautehorloge both spoke the truth... Than a postal employee is walking around with a very nice watch and a nice bottle of booze. So non of them are really responsible but still a watch missing... Who's got to pay up ? I really don't know... It would be nice of Hautehorloge to offer some sort of financial compensation eventhough he's not really to blame. I would still do that I think.
So @
barth ; Damn, very sorry for you ending up in a shitty situation and the loss of your watch. I hope you can replace it sometime. @
hautehorloge ; I don't know anybody who has such bad luck in such short period of time, I hope the dogs are ok now.
Just my 2 cents.