I haven't done much research on replicas so far. I was interested in the Rolex Explorer 1 and rather than spend a lot of money I thought I would get a good replica first to see how the watch wears in everyday life.
I ordered from Theone watches. Ordering, contact with the salesman was very good. The watch arrived 3 weeks later. The first red flag was that they would only take the watch back if the numerous stickers were not removed. How are you supposed to test the watch with these stickers?
The watch itself did not make a bad impression. However, when you hold it in your hand, you notice a clear difference to a genuine Rolex. At 500 euros, the replica was not cheap. I have Seikos that make a better impression.
The main problem, however, was the movement. The watch was, believe it or not, i5 minutes slow per day, which ultimately made it useless.
I felt a bit naïve, as I thought that I expected a Chinese counterfeiter to deliver a quality that matched the purchase price.
Eventually I did get in touch with TheOneWathches. They are very friendly and polite, but in the end there is no help for problems.
They suggested I take the watch to a local watchmaker. Then I might as well hand it in to the police.
Then they suggested that I send them the watch. That's what I did, with tracking etc. But when the watch arrived in China, it disappeared from the radar.
After that I had a few more unpleasant contacts with TheoneWatches. I should bear in mind that automatic watches are not very accurate... We're talking about 5 minutes a day... You could be lucky or unlucky. Well, I was unlucky and completely wasted 500 euros. They offered me a refund of 100 euros.
So my advice with Theonewatches is: Keep away! It seems to be a lottery and they don't do any quality control before the thing is sent out. Look around at Seiko. They have good chronographs at a good price that work.
I ordered from Theone watches. Ordering, contact with the salesman was very good. The watch arrived 3 weeks later. The first red flag was that they would only take the watch back if the numerous stickers were not removed. How are you supposed to test the watch with these stickers?
The watch itself did not make a bad impression. However, when you hold it in your hand, you notice a clear difference to a genuine Rolex. At 500 euros, the replica was not cheap. I have Seikos that make a better impression.
The main problem, however, was the movement. The watch was, believe it or not, i5 minutes slow per day, which ultimately made it useless.
I felt a bit naïve, as I thought that I expected a Chinese counterfeiter to deliver a quality that matched the purchase price.
Eventually I did get in touch with TheOneWathches. They are very friendly and polite, but in the end there is no help for problems.
They suggested I take the watch to a local watchmaker. Then I might as well hand it in to the police.
Then they suggested that I send them the watch. That's what I did, with tracking etc. But when the watch arrived in China, it disappeared from the radar.
After that I had a few more unpleasant contacts with TheoneWatches. I should bear in mind that automatic watches are not very accurate... We're talking about 5 minutes a day... You could be lucky or unlucky. Well, I was unlucky and completely wasted 500 euros. They offered me a refund of 100 euros.
So my advice with Theonewatches is: Keep away! It seems to be a lottery and they don't do any quality control before the thing is sent out. Look around at Seiko. They have good chronographs at a good price that work.