Correct and please let’s keep this thread facts based rather than based on assumptions and not sure. It can be very confusing for other members if there’s several different statements all of which contradict each other and causing even more work for staff to correct wrong informations rather than just giving factual answers to questions if they haven’t been answered correctly already.
Let’s please not fill this thread with half knowledge and assumptions and stick to facts only.
Thank you
Of late, this thread has been harder to manage due to the enthusiastic but frequently incomplete or erroneous input from others.
While I appreciate the assistance and support, I would ask members to kindly let me reply to questions addressed to me rather than hijacking them and worse, providing a less than accurate or complete answer, which I would need to correct or refine.
If I have to make it clear, this thread is primarily for ALL members to ask questions in (any language is accepted), and for me (or the proven veteran or expert members here like
@Tompa @j21 @W47chl0v3r @QueTip etc) to reply to, especially for questions addressed or tagged to me specifically. While I appreciate enthusiasm, it should be accompanied by corresponding knowledge, expertise, or experience. In an effort to keep this thread clean for members reading it and seeking proper information, all non relevant or inaccurate replies will now be deleted or edited for this thread. This isn't a thread for opinions but facts, unless opinions are requested. So this thread is actually monitored closely and I will prune it if necessary to maintain the integrity of the information within. Thank you guys. I truly appreciate the input.