i have a question regarding the AP 15703 from JF. To be more specific about the Dials of V 10 compared to 9.5
While 9.5 looks more mate, Dial and inner Bezel on V10 is much more flashy or laquered now. Hills and Valleys are shinny. And: It looks to me like the Numbers of Circles have increased now from 13 to 16 (Number of Lines on the "Hills").
So the most asked question is: Which one looks more Gen? More = finer Circles is more towards gen but the shine? Maybe both? Or none?
@legend or
@QueTip maybe can tell?
Just for comparison, i added a picture of the XF AP15706.
Oh and one more thing.... to me it looks like the V10 Cyclops has more reflections and lower magnification? Which one should i prefer?