Dear HSV726 & 316ladI’m no expert but in my personal opinion the rehaut is too tall on the raffles case, it’s a minor detail but I think it really makes a big difference
I sanded mine to reduce the height, easy enough to do just need a flat surface and some wet and dry paper.
I used a 1016l’s bezels and a t21 crystal which worked well.
Place the wet and dry paper onto the flat surface then place the rehaut face down on the paper and made an equal number north, south, east, west passes until I reached the desired height.
Did it a while ago so can’t recall the exact grade think it was 400 with a few higher grades at the end just to give it a finish (I did post about it in this thread with some pics but it’s so big now I wouldn’t know where to start, best bet would be to search)
Thank you for your reply.
I will still sand the rehaut a bit.
I can feel everyone's passion from this thread and will feed off of that to make it a little more complete.