How close would do you think the brown bezel is to that of the gen? how many percent?
I don't think it's even close. I am not talking about whether it's too dark. The tone is completely wrong. On a colour scale, the gen is more yellow but the rep is way too red.
The rep factories can't even the ceramic pepsi dial right, so I think there is zero chance they can get this root beer one right on the first try.
Can your rep match with this gen in the picture? This is the colour I see in real life.
I'll try tomorrow for sure. I'm wondering how much of the pic you posted is reflection vs. the inherent color. This thing grabs the color from reflections for sure. It's not 100% match, but I think the match on a Pepsi is worse right now. It is slightly off in both tone and brightness. However, it doesn't sit in one color all day long. Every tilt, every change in environment, etc. changes the color of this watch. The same exists on the gen. If you put them both side by side in the same light, yes, they will not 100% match inherently, but that's under test conditions. Stick one on your left arm and one on your right and take them out into the wild and they'll match on and off. And can you find pics of the gen grabbing the yellows more than the reds? absolutely. But this doesn't stay one color full time. There IS a difference that is a bit intangible though. The gen almost looks more "flat" or "matte" on the lower half of the bezel than the rep BP. I'm not sure how that's done on ceramic, and I'm not sure if I'm explaining it properly. Perhaps we're picking up on the same thing and I just weigh it less than you do due to having it in practice.