I had to go through a few models to finally realize the 5 digit is what I truly want. I had about 7 11-series 6 digit subs, and recently sold my 126610. The 126610 is the closest to the 5 digits, but still misses the mark. They are absolutely stunning, and built extremely well. Definitely steps above it's predecessors, but not what I'm looking for anymore.
Sleeker case and bezel assembly, thinner taper of the lugs to bracelet, thinner crown guards, and less blingy and more understated. The lighter bracelet and clasp is more comfortable IMO, and it doesn't constantly remind you that you're wearing a watch. I've stepped away from the jewelry appearance on my sports models, like Subs/GMTs/Seamasters. Tool watches are where it's at for a daily wear.
I heard a quote that said "5 digit subs sit quietly in the corner of the cafe, and you have to go to them to talk. 6 digit subs get up out of their chair and come up to tap you on the shoulder and say 'look at me'." 5 digits know they're cool, and have nothing to prove.