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Puretime order and how I soiled myself afterwards.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Another fuckin' noob that comes here spouting tales of woe and dissing TD's instead of behaving by using the proper channels :mad:

There is very good reasons that PT are TD's, and things can and do go wrong in any business (y)
You might be 'experienced' but you are obviously very very stupid as you didn't read what i wrote or lack the intelligence to compute my words.

But thanks for your experienced input - always highly valuable to listen to a total W**KER


Banned member, the goat does not approve
If puretime was a disaster or a scammer he would not have shipped watches or refunded you.

You called them thieves and scammers and all these other horrible things because you didn't get your way and have unrealistic expectations of the replica watch game.

You ordered right at the cusp of Chinese New Year - there is expected to be delays. It happens every year late January to March.

This is an illegal watch industry. Not like shopping for a water bottle at your super market. Put yourself in dealers shoes. Imagine trying to source illegal goods in an authotarian country trying to avoid police. You can go to jail for many years for doing this business.

There are no rules. Things come and go out of stock, factories delay orders and deliveries all the time. The supply chain is shaky. Not the dealers fault. They try their best.

You also ordered 2 very unique watches that are not popular. The wait time for these can be months sometimes. I waited 3 months once for a watch.

Practice some empathy and understanding for the dealers and put yourself in their shoes.

That's all I'm gonna say.
Seriously - don't people read.

Waiting not the problem, was never the problem!!

Being told my watch was sent - then finding out later after chasing it that it was not sent at all but then being told I HAD CANCELLED THE ORDER, hence no watch was the problem

Its not very complicated is it... or i guess clearly it is for some of the wise experienced folk chipping in here with idiotic comments.
  • Angry
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Banned member, the goat does not approve
Another thread the world didn't need.

This could have been sorted completely in private... Without accusing a Trusted Dealer of lying, scamming and stealing —for no good reason.

By throwing around such heavy and severe accusations, it's not only unfair and uncalled for from the TD's perspective, it's also the equivalent of taking a big fat stinky dump on this community, the mods, and in particular the admins, who vetted and approved the trusted status for this dealer.

I wonder if people dropping such mad rants ever even just remotely consider how offensive and insulting this is, not only to the dealer, but to everyone who's invested in this community, from engaged regular members to our big dawgs at the top, d4m, tb99 et al.?

Sad Sponge Bob GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Accusing.... i relayed the facts that happened to me.

I sent countless emails first - countless. I did not just jump on here and moan

I relayed what happened to me after trying to resolve many times

I do wonder and ask myself why people here are so keen to sweep the truth under the carpet. Doesn't seem like these forums exist at all to help people, but rather praise and build up certain entities - i wonder why.

Folk obviously have vested interests and are on the payroll in one way or the other.

Other newbies beware!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
I think if it your first time you should order two watches max, as there will be anxiety already and no need to pile that on with a massive order to people you don't know at all. I even now after 15 years only order 2 watches at a time max. Also if the watches are obscure like the OPs then its best to keep the order small.
100% you are correct. It was not the best move


I make Billy Butcher blush.
I do wonder and ask myself why people here are so keen to sweep the truth under the carpet. Doesn't seem like these forums exist at all to help people, but rather praise and build up certain entities - i wonder why.

Folk obviously have vested interests and are on the payroll in one way or the other.

Other newbies beware!
I took a similar view to Tripdog initially. I thought you were a bit of a dick after your initial post for the thiefs/scammers part, but I wanted to refrain from jumping to conclusions. Thank you for now providing sufficient evidence for me to reach an informed conclusion.


Self Confessed Eejit
Bumfuck Nowhere
you are obviously very very stupid as you didn't read what i wrote or lack the intelligence to compute my words.

But thanks for your experienced input - always highly valuable to listen to a total W**KER

I have no problem with the issues you raised but the original post accusing Puretime of theiving and scamming was totally unneccessary without as I said, going through the proper channels !!

Chucking insults at myself and others just proves that the stupid idiot wanker is exactly what you are ................

End of the nice little Jackanory :mad:


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Really sorry for this. there were some misunderstanding. but now seems all sorted. The bulgari will be shipped today and we do a refund for the Joker. Let me know if this is correct.
Thank you for getting this resolved finally.

I should NOT have said scammers or Thieves, that was not fair, as clearly you have customers who are happy and you did send me two watches, but your staff accused me of lying essentially and told me repeatedly that i cancelled my order, and this was after they told me they had sent my watch.

I should not have used the word Thieves or Scammers - And i retract those words 100%

But it was a disaster and all i wrote was true.

I have had an email to tell me the watch has been sent and also a refund processed.

I really do like your website and so many parts of what you offer, but obviously this experience has been very disappointing.

I will wait to receive my missing watch and the refund



Banned member, the goat does not approve
I have no problem with the issues you raised but the original post accusing Puretime of theiving and scamming was totally unneccessary without as I said, going through the proper channels !!

Chucking insults at myself and others just proves that the stupid idiot wanker is exactly what you are ................

End of the nice little Jackanory :mad:
You will find that you chucked the insults first.

I am not going to say anymore, as you might might have some genuine medical reasons for your mental incapacity.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Global Moderator
You might be 'experienced' but you are obviously very very stupid as you didn't read what i wrote or lack the intelligence to compute my words.

But thanks for your experienced input - always highly valuable to listen to a total W**KER

You make a post with for the most part reasonably valid points and then you go and post a bunch of PMT inspired shit which negates just about everything that was valid in the OP.
You make me doubt the soundness of my judgement.
I suggest you STFU whilst you can still post on this forum.
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⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
I should NOT have said scammers or Thieves, that was not fair, [...] I should not have used the word Thieves or Scammers - And i retract those words 100%

But it was a disaster and all i wrote was true.

You have my sincere respect and appreciation for retracting your statements. 🫡

My post was in no way intended to marginalize the legitimate nature of your problem. The sentence "This could have been sorted in private..." kinda implies that I recognized and acknowledged your issue, but in hindsight I should have stated it more clearly, so kudos to @tripdog for spelling out what my words too vaguely expressed.

I have had an email to tell me the watch has been sent and also a refund processed.

I really do like your website and so many parts of what you offer, but obviously this experience has been very disappointing.

I will wait to receive my missing watch and the refund.

Here's a suggestion: I noticed that you opened your RWI account a few days before you placed the order with Puretime. That means you would have been eligible for RWI's staff support and could have used our admins' enormous leverage over our TDs. This way, I'm sure your problem would have been resolved much quicker and without the need to takes this to a public thread.

For the (hopefully not materializing) next time:

The best route is something like this: Try to give a (realistic and fair) deadline to the TD for resolving the problem. Tell them that you will have to open a help desk ticket on RWI if the issue isn't resolved... After you tried to resolve it yourself for a couple of times, unsuccessfully, open the help desk ticket and describe your problem. Provide all relevant info and give RWI staff some time to look into it. As you have seen, demonstrated by @tripdog's response, you WILL absolutely get help IF your request is legitimate!


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
You might be 'experienced' but you are obviously very very stupid as you didn't read what i wrote or lack the intelligence to compute my words.

But thanks for your experienced input - always highly valuable to listen to a total W**KER

Here's the deal... You demonstrated earlier that you're man enough to retract stuff you said in the heat of the moment.

Do it again, for the above, even if you felt attacked. I would respect that even more...

Many members are just tired of newbies popping up almost every day and throwing the word "scam" around as if it were on sale at Walmart. I'm saying this to give some context to why emotions are getting a bit out of hand in threads like this.


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
PS: I'm actually myself annoyed about the constant "scam" screaming... So many threads every week...

But... @daytona4me and @trailboss99 sent me to de-escalation bootcamp and it really did a number on me.

Just checked my vital signs: BP 127:73, Pulse 65. Calm af!

A year ago, I would have unloaded a full Canadian wildfire tanker filled with gasoline instead of water over this thread and dropped some F-bombs afterwards. 😆🤣


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
Folk obviously have vested interests and are on the payroll in one way or the other.

If only you knew the truth. TDs don't pay the forum to be here, server costs are covered by member account upgrade fees and donations.

And... Absolutely no compensation for the mods. Not even TD discounts, except those that are for you and everyone else too.

So, yeah, we work for absolutely free. Because we love our hobby and RWI.

Well, except for the access to the RWI Gulfstream fleet...

And the free Colombian h**kers...

And the free Russian c*caine...

Or was it the other way around? I have to ask @Feefo, our RWI staff perks coordinator. 🤔
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‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
Accusing.... i relayed the facts that happened to me.

I sent countless emails first - countless. I did not just jump on here and moan

I relayed what happened to me after trying to resolve many times

I do wonder and ask myself why people here are so keen to sweep the truth under the carpet. Doesn't seem like these forums exist at all to help people, but rather praise and build up certain entities - i wonder why.

Folk obviously have vested interests and are on the payroll in one way or the other.

Other newbies beware!
"Folk obviously have vested interests and are on the payroll in one way or the other"

This is really awful. No one here have any kind of interest, except for watches and for building a community where we try to help each other. Please avoid writing thing like this. All the TD are here simply because they respect the high standard of this forum. Nothing more than this. You can't imagine how many time I saw staff members do all they can to protect a member in trouble. Please reconsider your approach to all the people here. No one want to insult you, as you have seen TD Pure time have immediately remedy to your problem. Same thing will happen if you opened an help ticket. I appreciate your apologize for the word liar and scammer use for TD. Now I hope you will do the same with @Dave2302 because he is a renowned member of this forum and a good person. Hope you will find your way inside this community, and contribute in the future with your knowledge. Best regards.


‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
If only you knew the truth. TDs don't pay the forum to be here, server costs are covered by member account upgrade fees and donations.

And... Absolutely no compensation for the mods. Not even TD discounts, except those that are for you and everyone else too.

So, yeah, we work for absolutely free. Because we love our hobby and RWI.

Well, except for the access to the RWI Gulfstream fleet...

And the free Colombian h**kers...

And the free Russian c*caine...

Or was it the other way around? I have to ask @Feefo, our RWI staff perks coordinator. 🤔
I want to fly on RWI Gulfstream!
Please, please what am I supposed to do?
Everything, believe me, I can do anything.


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
I want to fly on RWI Gulfstream!
Please, please what am I supposed to do?
Everything, believe me, I can do anything.


Get this... I just talked to @Feefo and he finally told me the truth: The supposed Gulfstreams are in reality retired 1960s Tupolevs from an East German airline, registered in North Korea.

The supposed free c*caine is cheap grade D- meth from Poland.

And the free girls are just random hairy dudes with wigs lured into prostitution with empty promises.

Those are some perks! D4M and TB99 are truly cheap skates of the highest order. 🙄🤣


‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
A flight on a 1960 Tupolev, registered in North Korea, should be something that I can tell to my nephews, a scary story to tell during winter night, before bedtime.

If I survive, of course.
  • Haha
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