I assume I'm in the pool of people you'r referring to as I posted what a joke this is, so allow me to politely reply to you.
It's not entitlement -- it's simply a relationship with consumer and provider. As consumers we are not entitled to them not screwing us with no condom, but in turn they are not entitled to our money. Which is just what you said. However the difference in our philosophy is you think for some reason we're not allowed to state so. This is an internet forum for replicas and for us to converse about what's new with replicas and what we like and don't like. Users like me who simply say this is borderline scamming in today's replica market is not "entitlement" -- it's us expressing our opinion. Calling people who don't suck off every new release thread entitled is an argument on bad faith, due to the fact that our criticism is constructive and not at all out of line with what we expect for our money.
Stating that other factories give more quality for less money is not entitlement, it's giving constructive feedfback. Secondly, ZZF is asking for a lot as well. They're not angels in this. However even with that said, that comparison is a false equivalcency as ZF is even more egregious by charging 30 dollars more for their Hulk for less quality. It seems like every iteration is 30 dollars more per new release. In two years time, given how factories work where they take 2 steps forward and then 2 steps backward (whether it's on purpose or not is another matter) we'll end up with the same quality watch as today for $690-720 dollars and into Daytona prices.
So again, you calling users entitled for what is constructive criticism is ridiculous and flimsy. And yes, users will vote with their wallets, and RXF/VSF seems to be holding the market for future releases IMO considering their price points.