what is wrong with the crytal? It loooks great to me.
Also, there is no way wearing this someone would ever think the crystal is a call out even when comparing a gen side by side
The lack of black hole is what is wrong with the crystal, it's not very good, not justified by the price at least.
And yeah, it's the main tell of any rep, and you can see it from a good meter away, no need to compare it to a gen.
Check this for reference: https://forum.replica-watch.info/fo...s/9238137-the-battle-has-already-begun/page17
we just need better pics. No way to tell fromt he pic you posted
Will take product pics tomorrow and price will be $558 for LV and $528 for LN
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
we just need better pics. No way to tell fromt he pic you posted