My black V4 says hello to the club!
I really love the watch - impressive build quality! Only the bracelet is a little bit squeaky and shaky.
Does anybody tried to oil it a little bit?
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Robi01 Baby soup? Which one please? That's new to me.
Robi01 Baby soup? Which one please? That's new to me.
I put the Bracelet in an 20€ Ultrasonic Cleaner like this.
Water, Bracelet and a little soap in it. Than i clean it 4 or 5 times, so that any dirt is out. Than i put it for 24h into Babyoil like this.
And than back in the Ultrasonic Cleaner. I it 1 time in it, because you have than enough Babyoil in the Pins. If you clean ist more, every oil is gone. And, Babyoil is good for your Skin, and you have a very smooth and clean Bracelet.
Rep vs Gen video, can anyone confirm the version.
Hi i have receipt this qc ? Im not sure it is a noob v4
Rep vs Gen video, can anyone confirm the version.
The gen subdials looks so much fatter in that video - first also thought the left one is the real one!
Yes I’m a beginner and no expert in gen identification - but thought the subdials are much thinner in gen?
Are there different versions in gen?
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