Well now I'm at a toss up. Get the v1 and a Staib bracelet to have a nice stainless pair, or wait until a V3 comes out with matching titanium case AND bracelet (hopefully).
Anyone know if the titanium bracelet (once the whole watch is titanium) would be available on its own? Is that something TD's sometimes offer, maybe privately?
I'm on somewhat of a time commitment because I would very much like to wear this for my wedding in September, which too is now up in the air because of covid...
Doubtful their will be a decent titanium package V3 (correct case, dial, bracelet, etc.) several weeks before September even if things were back at regular speed which they are not. But TD’s have usually been able to source straps and bracelets separately upon request unless there was a shortage.
If it is a vintage and a Bond look you are after, you could get an old school reimagined Rolex 6538 Helenarou with a sapphire AR xtal, logo dial/crown, and rivet bracelet for roughly $200 more. After all, No Time To Die is not set for release until November 25, 2020.
If the V2 isn’t going to be consistent in its color, I’ll probably just go with the V1 for now & IF they get the band right at some point, maybe I’ll consider purchasing another in the future.
Does anyone have a recommendation on what site to use for purchasing a replica?
With each version it’ll likely just be one improvement (maybe 2 minor) we will be waiting a while for correct colours and bracelet if it ever comes.
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Gorgeous watch.
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Looks great in your pics. Does it look brownish in brighter light?
seems ridiculous to offer the watch in titanium with that terrible SS bracelet. At least have the decency to sell it with nato only at a discounted price, because lets be honest those bracelets are going to go straight into a bin on arrival for most of us.
To be completely fair, I don't think the bracelet it comes with is truly garbage, it actually feels quite nice and I might throw it on a cheaper rep (or maybe grab a DH gate speedy for that OG speedy pro look!). Obviously compared to a $200 bracelet it's never going to hold up, but it's comparable to the $30/40 milanese bracelets you can find on Amazon and such. If people are going for the NATO, it's a cool bonus strap to throw on a different watch I think.
How does the clasp work on the rep mesh VSF provided? Don't see any videos or photos showing this...
found this v2 video I think https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDYy...ne&sharekey=10091da50240c91bddb2f4862b8790352