Can't edit so replying with more details, VSF v4 needs a new stem since I feel I wasn't very clear above.
Well it’s an eta based movement so go for an eta 2824 stem.
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Can't edit so replying with more details, VSF v4 needs a new stem since I feel I wasn't very clear above.
Apologies if this has already been discussed and I've missed it, but does anyone have any experience with this AGF version?
It seems like the ORF is currently unavailable so wondering if this could be another option until ORF make another batch.
https://www.[[Redacted due to phishing warnings]]/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=11815
AGF and ORF are the same factory under different pseudonymous. Sometimes they go by GF other times by OR.
It is pretty clear that AGF is not the same as ORF. They are listed at Trusty simultaneously with different prices.
Replisimio cheaper internals from VSF? Such as what kind of parts?
So in your view both AGF and ORF are not really worth seriously considering for getting?
Hi everyone. I'm really new member from Thailand. Just sign up today and would like to ask you guys. I would like to buy NTTD and check with Mr.Andrew from trustytime. He said only AGF V2 available. Does anyone have this model? Could you please share your opinion with me whether this model is good or not if we compare to VSF V4 and ORF. Thank you very much.
Maybe have a read back through the last few pages of the thread. Basically if you want the nttd then gen or arf are your only options so comparison with vrf means very little as they are no longer available.
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Maybe have a read back through the last few pages of the thread. Basically if you want the nttd then gen or arf are your only options so comparison with vrf means very little as they are no longer available.
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I am sure you mean ORF/AGF and VSF, lol
It seem like AGF is mix between VSF and ORF. But I think it's quite new brand and only option now. I will update pic for QC when I get it.
No matter what quality I believe it’s better value than the gen, and you will have a great looking watch for your money.
I still think the gen is massively overpriced for what it is, despite its sudden increase in popularity.
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No matter what quality I believe it’s better value than the gen, and you will have a great looking watch for your money.
I still think the gen is massively overpriced for what it is, despite its sudden increase in popularity.
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