ordered this last night and already have a nice shark mesh bracelet. Going to make my own until the rep is available
Really? You've got me worried now
It was cheap. Cheaper than the trusted sellers. What can I say, I opted for the lowest prices option. I've contacted my credit card company, thanks for the tip.
Anyway... Let's get back to topic.
Here it is on my 7" wrist. At 42mm, it's definitely bigger than the usual 41mm watches that I wear. But it wears nicely. For some reason, the mobile camera makes it look big in the photo.
How would you compare this to the seamaster 300 from spectre and which one would you choose if you only had to pick one and why?
Any news when the release of a rep of this beauty is expected?
I think it looks really sharp on the SMP bracelet!
I think it looks really sharp on the SMP bracelet!