No, because if it is all flawed then they'll break easy.
WHich means in the near future, they'll break anyways.
So better test it now so that they still have the warranty from the TD.
From what I see, there is already a high chance of the ceramic bracelet breaking especially with daily use. The material just doesn't hold up to rigorous use.
But having the bracelet break during the course of use, vs deliberately bending it to see if it breaks, are two different matters because everyone will test the bracelet differently, using different amounts of force and bending it to varying degrees. There is no single standard of testing, and none stated or approved by the manufacturers. So if a owner who receives his new 26240CE bends the bracelet and it breaks, there will be nothing except dismay and another watch to add to the statistics of what is already known. It won't change what we already know.
So please stop asking the guys to bend the bracelets just to test if it breaks. You can do that for your own watch if and when you buy one. Just let them enjoy their purchases and if it breaks over time naturally, it is not too late to ask for a replacement bracelet as this is already a known issue, the watches have been shipped with an inherent defect and should all be replaced, broken bracelets or not.