- 18/12/09
- 2,606
- 1,881
- 113
My bezel is really loose
It turns by itself sometimes of how loose it is
Also the edges of the bezel are extremely sharp and get caught in everything.
Was planning to sand them down a bit
Any tips?
Can you remove the bezel and make the spring tighter so it isnt as loose?
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Removing the bezel is the easiest thing ever. My method is handing the watch to my 3 year old daughter and ask her to turn it (which she actually loves). In less than one turn she's got it in her tiny hand. (might work with a 4 year old too).
Once you have it in your hands, get the tiny spring out and bend the middle parts a little bit. The idea is for the spring to offer a bit more friction. Don't bend them too much or you won't be able to put it back, though.
While you are at it, you might want to sand the bezel teeth a little bit too, of course. I would be very careful with that, don't know what material that bezel is made of but if you go too hard you will get a lot of material off and you will screw up completely. One small pass, check if it's still cuts like a razor, rinse and repeat. Patience is key here.
Other than that, you can work on the date overlay, clean the dial, etc. There's a lot of things to play around with this fella, my next move is to get a better crown & tube but I need some time as this May has been a bit hectic at work, so I'll look into it later this summer (the tube I brought from raffles is pure crap and the measurements were all wrong, as usual with Raffles -when will I learn...-).