ahw676 said:
Wow. I must have missed that one. Kind of puts a whole new creepy spin on the phrase "watch porn."
Sigh. This was in the thread started by that nice man, Bill, who said that he loved the website but wanted to know why there were all the scantily clad women pics in it. I forget what was the catalyst after that, but the thread took off in six different directions, and Bill ran away screaming. I don't blame him.
Yup. Pretty much par for the course around here. As I mentioned-- it's rare for a thread to go five pages without at least a single midget reference. But if you want to see a truly spectacular and unparalleled example of thread derailing, look no further than the famous "Owned at the jewelry store" thread:
It starts with Douchey Extraordinaire's original post:
It, however, rapidly devolved:
But this is the thread that gave us the still popular catchphrase:
Oh yeah? Well I know Muai Tai, Brazillian Ju Jitzu, and a little thing I like to call "i nailed your mom". I'm so bad ass, there isn't one little kid in any of my karate classes that even wants to spar with me cause i UNLEASH THE FURY! Yeah I've got a small penis and nobody likes me, but I drive a porsche worth more than your LIFE so f**k you! Like the other day, I was walking down the street and this little old lady told me she liked my watch, so I said, "What f**k you! It's not fake!" So I went into karate mode and SCISSOR KICKED HER IN THE FACE! *WHAM BAM* Then I pulled her up by her hair but her wig came off, turns out she was bald! *GROSS* f***... old people. Then I picked her up by the ears and kneed her in the face muai tai style! *BLADOW* And I was like "That's what you get for walking so slow b***h! AND THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW MY WATCH IS FAKE, CAUSE IT'S NOT, IT'S A MODDED MBW SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE SUB, AND IT'S REAL! REAL I SAY! IT USES THE SAME MOVEMENT MOST REAL WATCHES DO ANYWAY, IT'S SWISS ETA, IT'S A DIVISION OF SWATCH, PLUS I BOUGHT IT FOR A GOOD VALUE, NOT CAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD A REAL ONE CAUSE I SPENT ALL MY MONEY ON KARATE CLASSES, SO f**k YOU! OH, AND I DRIVE A PORSCHE WORTH MORE THAN YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!" *KAZAAM* Yeah, I showed her what's what. That's the last time she'll be calling me out on my watch. But I gtg, I'm late for yoga class WHERE I PICK UP CHICKS LIKE YOUR MOM! AMERICA!!! f**k YEAH!!!