Postmistress turned up, not one but 2 watches, one of which was from the seller of the
alledged DeepSea Challenge .........
Now I know why such a big delay, basically the wee cunt didn't have the watch, in the end he has sent out a regular Deepsea Sea Dweller
Now, it isn't the worst Sea Dweller, in fact it's quite a good one, and I'm not stupid enough to send it back to China knowing full well it will likely go missing in transit or upon arrival, nor will I take a chance on a refund I'll probably never get, so now I'm left with trying to find a DeepSea Challenge again
For now I'm gonna try getting a partial refund.
Loads of searching kinda revealed that there wasn't anyone who had one. Might have to ask a couple of friends I suspect may have more than 1 if they would consider selling me one, and place a WTB advert.
The Explorer 2 also turned up, I'll photo that one soon, nice little piece too.
I am kinda on a downer today lol, not just the DSC watch, but a customer job is being a bitch too
It's a 4.4 litre TDV8 Range Rover, every time it is fixed something else rears it's ugly head, long story short it got wet inside, he is a piss head and left the tailgate open during an all night storm, now all the electronic modules are dying one by one by the look at it.
I'm gonna call him and get him on "Pay As You Go" lol, bloody thing has been here a month so far whilst waiting for various parts, then something else self destructs, and so he already owes us around 3 grand !!
If anyone comes across a DSC for sale, gimme a shout please