Mythical Poster
- 19/10/13
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V3 with terrible printing look at the "Made"
I asked the guys from puretime if the 15202 is "in stock" and they specifically said they're "upgrading" the 15202 so it's not yet available. I asked how about the 15400 and 15450, they said no updates but didn't explicitly say not available. No idea if this reflects the actually affairs with the factories, but I think they're implying no updates for the 15400/15450 in the foreseeable future.
Yup it seems like printing on the dial gets progressively worst. Some of the first v3 were quite crisp.
it’s like they are running out of ink or something.
I need your help dear friends
I have an AP 15400 Blue V2 and V3.
I got the V2 from Louie from Warchive (an ephemeral probationary trusted dealer here on RWI) . He modded the AP RO to thin it. He did a good job. The watch is 9.85 mm thin. Very close to the gen.
And I got the V3 here on RWI last week. It's a stock model you can find at all TDs. My goal was to compare the two versions, and of course sell the one I wont keep at home.
The thing is that there are big difference with the dial much more dull with the V3.
and so the question is : Which one would you sell if you were me ???
The V2 with nearly the good thickess or the V3 with maybe a better dial compare to a gen but with a big flaw that is the thickness
V2 on the left
V2 on the left
Thaaks for your help and advice
I need your help dear friends
I have an AP 15400 Blue V2 and V3.
I got the V2 from Louie from Warchive (an ephemeral probationary trusted dealer here on RWI) . He modded the AP RO to thin it. He did a good job. The watch is 9.85 mm thin. Very close to the gen.
And I got the V3 here on RWI last week. It's a stock model you can find at all TDs. My goal was to compare the two versions, and of course sell the one I wont keep at home.
The thing is that there are big difference with the dial much more dull with the V3.
and so the question is : Which one would you sell if you were me ???
The V2 with nearly the good thickess or the V3 with maybe a better dial compare to a gen but with a big flaw that is the thickness
V2 on the left
V2 on the left
Thaaks for your help and advice
V3 because the dial is too dull.
V2 copys the old 2016 dial with the better blue. Not 100% but almost. V3 dial tries to copy 2017 but fails more in my opinion.
So sell the v3 If you dont like the V2 dial you can still mod/change it.
The dial to me is face of the watch and important part of a watch in my opinion. The best thing would be to compare the upsides of both, regardless of the title V2 or V3. Seems like your V2 has a lot more upsides from thinned case to better dial so why would you want to sell the V2 and keep the V3?? If I had those two with the work done on the V2 and their various flaws , I'd keep the V2 as nothing justifies me keeping the V3 .
this is a no brainer for me, keep the thinner watch with the better shade of blue