TO: 05tbowner, I do not wish to call you out as a scammer.
Crap happens to the best of us.
I have the sneaking suspicion Thinkbachs has been sniffing glue. But that of course is a totally unsubstantiated rumor.
You called him out as a scammer as soon as you started this thread! Let's see what happens and let's wait for the apology that follows.
You made a serious acquistion here.
05 will come good.
Wow. You'd better be kidding, TB, but if you are, it's not particularly funny.
I moved the thread myself, and I can assure you that this is the last reason why I would even consider such a thing.
Master of the Universe, I'll contact you by PM.
Got your PM master and passed it onto AHW since she has the lead on this one.
Got your PM master and passed it onto AHW since she has the lead on this one.
Thinkbachs: icard: What planet are you on exactly mate? As explained above, sale was open, seller was no-saled so as is the norm all open sales were moved out of harms way to prevent any more sales being made.
PayPal dispute- no question.
I have a sneaky suspicion that someone removed the thread regarding the issue in anticipation of your doing this. My feeling is that they did this so that the thread could not be submitted to PayPal as evidence of the transaction, thereby drawing attention to the forum. I wouldn't say that this goes as far as making them partners in crime, but it does come across as a concern, especially since you asked them for help- and now the thread is gone.
I wouldn't have wrote it in those word but definetely understand what you're trying to point out.
I now see the mods and Col trying to make you look like the bad guy, but you're not.
I know the staff here (as well as on the other rep foras) has a lot to do, but it's no reason not to do things right, and maybe accept comments (which are here just to make this place a better place).
Anyway, my point and ThinkBachs's is to say that, once 05 was put on the no sale list, instead of removing this sale thread, closing it and having a post by Ahw (or any other mod) just stating that the seller was on the no sale list (and maybe the reason why), would have save the mod himself lot of time and work and who ever was trading with the no sale person a lot of worries.
I've only missed 10 days out of the 1000+ since I join and still sometime get confused to whom to contact in case of problem. I imagine that Master had no idea what was going on and had no clue of who was in charge a simple post from Alina would have been so much consideration.
I know the rules, I know this is no democracy, but I know that people with power sometime forget why they accepted this power for.
(ie: a cop job is to serve and protect.......)
look guys, noone hides these threads to damage anyone.
hiding threads is something used to maintain the thread in it's completely original state, untill it might be cleared to be visible again.
should this issue be a misunderstanding, it will be better to have the thread unharmed and back up. on the other hand, if you are in the middle of a sale/buying, and the sale vanishes, what are you missing out on by not being able to see the pics of the said watch?
-as always there will be threads about the subject, so nothing really going under the radar at all. ( the seller being NO saled alone is quite visible to anyone)
the way staff operates is by using methods that we all know and agree on. we don't suddenly do things different from time to time. that is how we know where to find info on new cases. in order for staff not to waste time trying to get themselves updated on an issue, it needs to go by the normal methods.
there are cases where moving threads is totally called for and cases where it is slightly less called for.
however I do believe that removing a OPEN sale out of the public area is the sensitive thing to do.
Involved parties should know where to find answers as always.
... This crap is driving me bat ish crazy cause I'm thinking "what the fack is going on here", I know I haven't lost my mind.
That for sale post really needs to be put back into circulation for everyone's ability to recall, research, or simply prevent themselves from losing sleep as I have trying to figure out WTF is going on! Lock the thread, but getting rid of it or hide it, isn't cool!