Whats up Cyb...push some of that rain my way.
I'll try to send some down you way Jeff. A lot of mudslides along Interstate 5, north and south lanes closed around Frazier Park area. I guess there is something to all that El Nino talk.
Good evening everyone. Already got some rain so now waiting for Dodgers-Mets game heh.
I'll try to send some down you way Jeff. A lot of mudslides along Interstate 5, north and south lanes closed around Frazier Park area. I guess there is something to all that El Nino talk.
Good evening everyone. Already got some rain so now waiting for Dodgers-Mets game heh.
Rain? We still have that in CA? Not sure I remember what that is........................
Good evening, folks!
Rain? We still have that in CA? Not sure I remember what that is........................
Good evening, folks!
Guns, cars and big bikes ! Yes ! What is there not to love ! Yup, have not been to the range here in a while. It's Burro Canyon Shooting Range [LA County] here for me. http://www.burrocanyon.com/index.shtml Nice folks and very friendly range masters. Clean mountain air and they have a separate area for full-auto [LEO use only] and have SASS Cowboy action shooting areas too. I hang and shoot at the rifle and pistol range. That's where the cute fatties get to shoot Sumi's guns. The other boys like to watch the Cowboy shoots and LEO's burping their full-autos and I end up with the cute fatties wanting to learn how to shoot. It sometimes is up close and personal showing them how to aim. Yeah ! The giggling that follows and the "I want to try some more" and ass wiggling makes my day !! And more they get fellows !! Go Sumi go !!
You crack me up Sumi! Lmao
Chris and Wook, hunting red stag in Nz is on my bucket list. I'm going to look you guys up when i make it over there!
I don't know how Sumi does it, he never seems to run out of material.
I think its and age thing....he will never run out of material!:laugh: Luv ya Sumi
More than welcome my friend.
i think its all that coffe he takes
Nice pooch bro. We're at a wedding in st Pete
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Sweet Stangy. How long are you there for?
Going to universal in the morning Halloween horror nights bro! We get a 16 mustang convertible while we're down here too
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