Oh my ! Bus dumping human feces in the street ! Shame, shame, shame ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0RIdJpy8Bc
@Jeane123 @FiloViridae
Look at this, I think (hope) he is not, me too have been a follower from him since day one
Morning all. Waking up in a hotel again, missing the family. I'm starting to dislike how often I am away from home.
Filo, that's a shit break buddy. But at least you still have a job and weren't made redundant.
Well I have an early interview today before a very long drive. You guys all have a great day
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Have Fun BKG!, Kick some ass man! hopefully you will be home soon. these travels get to be a little annoying after years and years..... Also for some of the assange fans here, looks like he was just cut off, not taken out - yet.
Cracking [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION] I love making memories. 'Tis a Sunday morning with a smile here too. Wife and I have only the littlest of the tribe this afternoon, we're off out to do some fun stuff, and what makes this Sunday greater that most is..... no work tomorrow!!! I've taken a week off to spend with the family. I was so busy on the house over the summer that I totally missed them, so now a week of some quality time. Sun is shining but temperatures are dropping like the golden leaves. I love this time of year
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Why this man [Trump] is Americas last hope. If you think otherwise, then let me buy you a beer. Or two. Or ten. Or a gallon of shine ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3PgJkuczHU What have you got to loose ?
We had a special treat last night celebrating the new house.![]()
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Woooo hoooo!!!! Congrats 5-0!!
We had a special treat last night celebrating the new house.![]()
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New house?? Excellent news. Big congrats 5-0, hope you settle in nicely
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