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Good Morning / Night


I'm Pretty Popular
Lets go to square watermelons and white strawberries and fat white chickens : http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...KTG-MOD-91448-7-13-HD&WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_c= ......square apples to come too?? ...........Yes, they are on the way !! http://previews.123rf.com/images/th...te-with-water-droplets-on-it--Stock-Photo.jpg ........And everything else !https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-medi...l_progressive,q_80,w_636/19e4fz6wai5jijpg.jpg

But, then how.. can I think she has a nice pair of square melons??? or a bottom the shape of . ..?

I guess things could still be juicy enough to sink ones teeth into ;-)


I'm Pretty Popular
Well in our house, we've got a Volvo XC90 and a Jaguar XF-SportSE. We kinda fight over the Jag but TBH, my wife has never liked the SUV. I think it's great. Could do with a tuning chip though as the 2.4d5 engine is solid and reliable, but just not quite enough punch for such a big car. Still I get 42mpg on the motorway and 30 around town. It's great for such a big family as ours too. Plush and comfy for 1,000's of miles at a time. But for the drive, the Jag is a far better car.
@Hazza sorry to hear your legal battle it's still ongoing. Hope you're keeping okay with all the stresses.

At home our build is coming along nicely. First fix electrics in, internal walls are going up and next week we get a new boiler. The dust and dirt is getting crazy now though as the ceilings have come down. This weekend I get to smash out the chimney stack which will make the kitchen room even bigger. There's been lots of decision making to do and money is going out fast. But for for £50k we put in, it should add £75k value to the house.

Travelling tomorrow. Will be a long day out so hope y'all have a good one.

Sent from the RWI mobile app

I took out a chimney stack once and it was 2 stories of glorious fun! Your right though the dust was crazy everywhere.
I've tried laying bricks 3 or 4 times now and just can't get it right. Either the rows are not even or it starts to lean in or out :-( Mixing up the mud I seem to finally be able to do. I think I'm not patient enough or need to actually be taught by someone. So seeing your walls straight and true was a jealous moment for me!

Safe travels thanks for the good wishes'


Respected Member
How's everyone's day going? Hope you are all living the dream! At least spending your days the way YOU want too :thumbup:

I on the other hand, am sitting through another day of lawyers arguing about what a capital S means since it was a lower case 42 times earlier
- don't start me on the letter T or why some pages are initialled and some have my full signature. . . :bang: I'm going crazy!


Sorry had to vent!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming'


Hope all goes well man! We are all thinking of you in this time !

Have a good day!


Respected Member
Guys, I just got back to my hotel from the most insane week I have had in a while. I hope you all are doing great and I will update you all on the craziness that was my week tomorrow as it's 4am here.....
All good though


Mythical Poster
Congrats Doc, life is meant to be an adventure. Live it to full my friend.

Shout out to....
@Jeane123 @DocHolliday @WingNut @Steelfish @co-axial @bkg! @DR3M3L @Sub007 @wooky492 @SUMIKITO @QueTip @rhp1462 @shaidx @cybee @jai04 @deadpiraterobert @Subjeff @Thrasher @JBowen @Raddave @Ruski91 @Hazza @junbug5150 @tommy_boy @yllekp @sub4me @Thehitman Apologies to anyone I forgot to mention.

Hey Chris, hope all is well bud!! life is an adventure ..I'm on vacation in Florida and actually getting ready for an airboat ride in the Everglades.


Respected Member
Accidents and Emergency
[MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION] glad to know you're having a blast [MENTION=56255]Subjeff[/MENTION] I need a vacation soon, enjoy your time off. Well deserved brother :D


I'm Pretty Popular
Guys, I just got back to my hotel from the most insane week I have had in a while. I hope you all are doing great and I will update you all on the craziness that was my week tomorrow as it's 4am here.....
All good though

Insane week indeed! Hope some of yours was fun! Musta been if your up at 4am :thumbup:


Supporter and Senior Purveyor of YouTube News
San Marino, California
The above is from Algazeera news. Nothing like this will come out of our 'controlled press'. ....Now on to the Nice terror attack, The 'Media" reports that the terrorist truck driver had a cache of weapons and explosives ! Ha ! .............. Now from the Independent RT News agency, https://www.rt.com/news/351091-france-nice-truck-attack/ all the French police found was a single 7.65mm [.32 Auto] pistol, some fake grenades, and other weapons [read; pocket knife, a hammer, and maybe a rock] They like to blow everything out of proportion. They reported here on the US major news networks that the truck was full of heavy arms and explosives !! All the guy needed was a big truck to do his evil deed. One nut case on a terror mission. With a big truck. .......The little pistol he had was for his suicide in case he had no other options if caught and surrounded. Terrorists do not want to be taken alive. .................... Be safe my friends.


Huckleberry Sales Mod
The above is from Algazeera news. Nothing like this will come out of our 'controlled press'. ....Now on to the Nice terror attack, The 'Media" reports that the terrorist truck driver had a cache of weapons and explosives ! Ha ! .............. Now from the Independent RT News agency, https://www.rt.com/news/351091-france-nice-truck-attack/ all the French police found was a single 7.65mm [.32 Auto] pistol, some fake grenades, and other weapons [read; pocket knife, a hammer, and maybe a rock] They like to blow everything out of proportion. They reported here on the US major news networks that the truck was full of heavy arms and explosives !! All the guy needed was a big truck to do his evil deed. One nut case on a terror mission. With a big truck. .......The little pistol he had was for his suicide in case he had no other options if caught and surrounded. Terrorists do not want to be taken alive. .................... Be safe my friends.

I'm at the point now where I'll hear the initial horror story, and I'll turn it off, sleep on it and wake up to see where it stands in the early morning. I can't stand these talking head reporters opening up their gobs an giving bad information.


Huckleberry Sales Mod
Good morning gentlemen! It's been a good morning indeed so far. I got in an early bike ride around the lake this morning. Not many a-hole runners, even bigger a-hole bikers at the time. Yes, I'm selling out my own kind, bikers are the worst. Especially when they travel in packs of 30 of above like their part of Tour de France. I really jab a stick in their spokes while they reach speeds around 30mph. Okay, enough about what "grinds my gears" no pun intended. What's happening around this tiny little world of ours? It sounds like everyone has been working their tails off this week. I hope all of yall are surrounded by family, and loved ones this weekend sharing laughs, and getting some much needed R&R!

@WingNut @Steelfish [MENTION=69777]bkg![/MENTION] @Fiveostang @wooky942 @Keylog74 @JAFO @SUMIKITO @Thrasher @Jeane123 @JBowen @sinsir @Hazza @jai04 @Ralphy1975 @chris9 @Subjeff


Respected Member
Good Morning Friends!! I have just been recovering from my trip to Vegas.... Its been great to be home it feels good to know that I was missed, My kids called everyday asking when I was coming home and sent me dialy text messages. If I was still traveling the globe for weeks at a time for meetings it would have killed me so I am so glad that I am now a little more stationary.

Well my trip was awesome to say the least. we had an absolute blast, everything from a private (50 person) concert with Brett Michaels, meet and greet and party till 4am ot be followed by a business meeting about 4 hours later.... it was a stretch and I found out that I am waaay to old for this type of partying. The next day we had yet another private concert with Elle King and Maroon 5 which was awesome but the funny thing that I thought [MENTION=73591]JAFO[/MENTION] would appreciate was that Adam was wearing some Yeezys and I couldn't help myself trying to locate the "telltales" even knowing there is no chance they were reps but I looked anyway. Apparently I stared so hard that he asked me if I liked his shoes LOL. I just told him they look very comfy and played it off like I didn't know what they were. :) needless to say that was yet another 4am morning for me.
I had a blast, and to top it all when I got back home there was a little "box" waiting fo rme... my RG AP 15400 came (the one I won in the raffle). I will update tomorrow with some photos and maybe even do a state of my collection thread. But for now I have to get my dog groomed, get some items check off the "daddy-do-list" and run to Stillwater to meet up with an old friend for lunch before my wife and I head out dinner and the Orpheum theater tonight.

hope you all had a great weekend thus far! and for you all going next week to the NC GTG I will see you there!!


I'm Pretty Popular
That's one hell of a Vegas trip! Hilarious on the yeezeys did you ask him if kept the box? Really welcome back and enjoy your raffle prize! [MENTION=96530]DocHolliday[/MENTION], nice to hear on the ride it makes me want to go out and spend my Saturday on the trail...


Huckleberry Sales Mod
That's one hell of a Vegas trip! Hilarious on the yeezeys did you ask him if kept the box? Really welcome back and enjoy your raffle prize! @DocHolliday, nice to hear on the ride it makes me want to go out and spend my Saturday on the trail...

Thanks brother. I'm only putting in 11 miles a session right now. I took some time off after the wedding( which means I took 95% time off) I'm trying to work my way back to 50 miles which I was at this time last August. It goes away pretty fast when you stop... Frack.