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Dilemma, Trump or Hillary tomorrow ?


Active Member
Anybody who can bankrupt a casino, where people hand you money and get nothing in return, should be considered a great business person, right?
And business people don't need to know anything about the Constitution, or how our government works, to run the government, right?
I say we need somebody whos third grade temperament is only exceeded by a fourth grade vocabulary.
After all, Clinton used email!
So what if Trump hates Mexican judges, disparages Gold Star families, took 5 deferments while disparaging captured POW's, admitted to sexual assault, wants to enforce the "thought crime" of having the wrong religious beliefs, was sued by the federal government for discriminating against blacks, won't show us his taxes because his son says that the Russians have been funding his companies for years, has been put on an allowance by our courts because he has no fiscal responsibility, hired undocumented workers and then didn't pay them when the work was completed, put small businesses out of business by not paying large bills, crippled retirees by driving his stock prices from over $30 to 12 cents, kicked an elderly woman out of her home using "eminent domain" to build a parking lot? Does that matter? Heck no. He can't use email! That's what matters.
Who cares if he doesn't have any plans? He's going to make everything great, because he wins. And if he doesn't? He files bankruptcy again, sticks us with the bill, and walks away with the profits himself. Like he always has. We need a genius like that in charge of our military, who he is so proud of, that he calls a complete disaster. Anybody who can learn more in a military middle school than our generals have learned in a career of actually serving deserves to be our President...


Put Some Respect On My Name
I just don't want Hillary to win, one is judged by the company you keep and even though she is always somehow not guilty of anything the company that she keeps is questionable at best and in some cases just plain horrible. I am thinking it may be time for a change.

But then again we will see tomorrow what happens.

One of my concerns.... she has so many skeletons in the closet and will do ANYTHING For them to stay there, does that put the president in a position to be blackmailed? Or naaaah those who try will blow up, commit suicide or have some type of unexplained medical mystery. Ha ha

I am all for a woman president and still think the Baroness Thatcher and other female leaders did a great job. But there are many many more qualified woman that didn't sell their soul to the devil to get ahead.

Just my 2c


Renowned Member
When choosing between Chump and Hitler-y is, as depicted by Sgt. Abraham Ford (TWD), "You'd have better luck pickin' up a turd by its clean end". It's truly a sh*t show!!

Makes you wonder what's less f*cked, Trump playing The Apprentice with the nukes and pushing THE button while saying "You're fired!" or Hilary, who like Mystique, has a scary hidden agenda and never sheds its true colors in plain sight.

My vote goes to Mr. Ed. Yes, a f*cking talking horse is a better candidate right now and that's really scary and shameful.

Anyways, I've started nabbing some Serpent's Bite early on, so disregard whatever crap I've stated.

For the time being, any rep-friendly country to request political asylum??


Be Excellent
Regardless of what happens tomorrow, we will get the government we deserve -- the pangs of living in a representative republic haha

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Renowned Member
Folks ours is honestly the biggest mess I can remember in my adult life. How in the world we ended up with these two to choose from is totally beyond me. That being said, Im voting Trump tomorrow. Clinton is not capable of telling the truth, clearly is dangerous in that she has no regard for the law or the constitution. I mean every time she speaks it makes me want to vomit a coat hanger. She has flip flopped more times than a carp outta water. Trump? Yeah he is wide open, off the wall and right at off the chain. My decision is based on the individuals he is placing around him. Im seeing him as a businessman after a business he has no clue how to run, but he is smart enough to get the right people around him. Am I thrilled with him, nope. But Im horrified of her. So.....I'll go do my civic duty. And maybe go stand in a car wash afterwards to try to get some of it off me lol.

most accurate post ever. 100% how a majority feel.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Lesser evils? I think they are evil in different ways. Go with a egoistic clown or a criminal, either ways its a lose lose. It is a hugh dilemma, might as well flip a coin.

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Legendary Member
The potential first ladies.




Career politicians with lawyer background, like Hillary, who have never done anything else in their lives, ....... they have arrogantly messed up the dynamics, prosperity and good life in old Europe. In every conceivable way, they have been turning upside down our lives across the pond: excessive, progressive taxation, rigid norms, VAT raises like 20% to 25% on top of the submariner or electricity price, prohibitions in every corner, a ruined Greece, expropriated Cyprus-accounts, no banking regulations whatsoever, a failed currency, a catastrophic migrant crisis handling like if 9/11 never was, failed by 50% the 2005 compromises and agreements regarding contributions to the UN, WHO, Unicef etc., a failing medical care and retirement system, disappearing democracy, zero percent interest on savings, raising prices, highway tolls, regulated banana shapes, vacuum cleaner wattage limitations, the barrel oil costs half, fuel costs the same as before, Spain taxes the sun, the bushel wheat costs 1/4th of the 2008 price but bread costs double, growing tensions with the rest of the World, delays, failure and arrogance everywhere but no solutions. It´s incredible and unseen but every single measure taken in the last 8 years has made life harder and every single problem tackled degenerated from "may be easily handled" to bad to worse to unsolvable.

Leave the job to a fisherman, a farmer, a housewife, an actor or a pop-star, in this case to a businessman - and they will perform better than the word-profecient politician with no knowledge of real life, no idea of the consequences of his acts and all his strings and ties to lobbies, industries and bancs attached.

Trump President will be different than Trump candidate - and there still is the whole government machinery surrounding him and Congress to impose limits. Imho the focus will be on business, on lowering taxes and bringing back companies to the US and the concept has good chances of success, much better ones than the Hillary approach. Russia still has it´s vast nuclear arsenal. The ICBMs from the cold war will hit anywhere within 32 minutes, there is no winner in a nuclear scenario. Much too often this fact just seems to be forgotten in the last few Years. A bit of appeasement policy with Putin, regarding Syria and the Ucraine will only do good for a while.
The worst of EU politicians, the worst of Wall-Street, George Soros and the Weapons Industry - they all see Clinton as the only candidate and Trump as a menace - so I´d go Trump if I had a vote - as there are no other alternatives this time around.
As for the rest - on 7th November 2000 Al Gore won the presidential election as announced on all TV-channels - and George W. Bush became President.


I'm Pretty Popular
Today, tomorrow and into next year your VOTE or lack of it matters. If you feel you don't care, don't know enough or "it's already been decided for us" by delegate votes...Do not throw your vote away, because a choice not to vote, or to vote for the Green Rainbow or Libertarian party candidates has a snowballs chance in Hell of winning and hurts America

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I'm Pretty Popular
He said it, in fact he said it before Trump did...Obama 2008 Campaign Ad: "Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing."
Tomorrow we have an opportunity to change the statuesque, and still some just won't vote that way....

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Renowned Member
I can't stand HRC, during my adult life (35 years old) I would have voted for each and any Republican presidential candidate (yes, even George W.) if I were American, but this time?

Rubio would have been a good candidate, Jeb as well, but "the Donald"? Politics is not about making rude comments and bragging with big balls. It's a craft which you have to learn. And wether I stand her or not, HRC did her duty and learned it. What did Trump do? Well a lot of us know what he did not: Learn diplomacy, learn to deal with opposition.

I understand you want the USA to be great again. Of course, you want- I want that, too! You are fed up with "the establishment"- I understand that as well. But allow me just one simple question: What does you believe Trump could be the one who makes America great again? What makes you think Trump could be the one who tidies up the mess? And even if you have any answer to the questions before: Is it really worth it? Do you know which kind of a deal you conclude with the self-proclaimed master of deal?


But regardless of my preference (and in fact I have no preferences I would just choose the lesser of two evils), and how you vote: Do it with good faith and be grateful to have the freedom to choose! The United States are a great nation and deserve a great leader!


Active Member
F*ck Donald Trump. Racist, misogynist bigot who mocks disabled people. I'm sorry for the white uneducated crowd that feel their white preeminence is dwindling in a country that's getting more and more progressive and diverse and fell for the empty promises of a stupid demagogue who was fed with a silver spoon and has achieved nothing on his own or by himself. Have fun watching him and his KKK friends go down tomorrow night

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Well-Known Repist
i'm glad i won't be in your shoes guys, but this scarily reminds me of something else i lived in my own past (and therefore future since he took us one away)



Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
I think Hillary is far more likely to lead the world to the brink of (nuclear?) war than Trump. Hillary is hell bent on standing up to Putin in Syria and whilst that is just and admirable its a no win situation.

What if she does impose a No Fly zone as she so dearly wants to? Putin will say "**** you" (he will, you know he will) and continue to bomb the crap outa civilians probably with even more vigour. What then? Either America looks powerless and backs down on an international stage or what, she shoots down Russian fighters? Think about it . . .


Active Member
Where was Trump over the last 20 years of Republican Administrations (Senile Ol' man Reagan, Daddy Bush, Baby Bush) economical financial disasterous mess years, when he opened many manufacturing companies/garment industry over seas (China) sending millions of jobs to other countries and making
$$BILLIONS $$, while Americans were unemployed, homeless, starving, no medical/insurance coverage and NO jobs !!

He said "They need jobs too . . ..", "they gotta work too . ."with a smile & smirk on his face & he didnt care if American family's (CHILDREN)starved or were homeless or died!!

He should have thought about making America great back then instead of letting it get destroyed by his GREED, destroying many industries, sending our jobs over-seas (ie., garment industry) and total destruction by Reagan, Daddy Bush and Baby Bush in the TRILLION DOLLAR MIDDLE EAST WARS
#ImWithHer, #GoHillary, #MadamPresident,


Capt. USMC - RET.

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Renowned Member
I'll give you guys the opinion of a muslim middle eastern born and bred in the middle east. If I were to vote you guys would think surely he wouldnt vote Trump right? wrong!! Is Trump rude? insulting? racist? sexist? probably. But, can he build a wall on the borders? realistically, NO. Can he ban all Muslims from entering the USA? again, realistically, no.

Can he start dialogue with the other world super power (think Russia)? yes, and that is for the good of the international community.

The opinion on Trump in this region is negative because of the racist and anti muslim comments that he made, and yet he is still a better option than Mrs. Clinton, she is just bad news.

Of all the people in America the choice is unfortunately between bad and worse.

Good Luck America, now I will go back to reading about reps


Renowned Member
I think Hillary is far more likely to lead the world to the brink of (nuclear?) war than Trump. Hillary is hell bent on standing up to Putin in Syria and whilst that is just and admirable its a no win situation.

What if she does impose a No Fly zone as she so dearly wants to? Putin will say "**** you" (he will, you know he will) and continue to bomb the crap outa civilians probably with even more vigour. What then? Either America looks powerless and backs down on an international stage or what, she shoots down Russian fighters? Think about it . . .

Allow me to disagree in this regard. HRC has tons of foreign affairs experience (allthough it might not be the best- Benghazi), she has dealt with dictators, desposts and lunatics. I doubt that she will be keen to initiate a new cold war. On the other side Trump raised the question why to have nuclear weapons when using them is ruled out. Fair question, at least from a game theory perspective, but what this tell about the candidates.

I would rather fear Trump pushing the red button than HRC.

Looking at Syria: The issue is that there are conflicting interests of Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the IS (to name only a few players). If Trump builts a good realtionship to Russia, Russia will insist on supporting Assad since Assad secures Russia's influence to the middle east. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, America's most important allie in the region insist on removing Assad. What do you do? Ignore the civil war and risk your relationship to Saudi Arabia or burn you newly built relation to Russia? This is the simple illustration, not considered is the IS, Iran, the oil exchange market, influence of Turkey, the results of the Arab Spring, the fragile structures of Irak.