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DenisSpa WTF


Legendary Member
This is starting to really feel like classic Dark Side now.


Banned member, the goat does not approve

Denis the scammer did make it right...

After being robbed and beaten, then hospitalized for a week.

My best friend (my dad), canceled all my credit cards, my social accounts, email accounts and put everything on hold for me. Including changing my email address on RWI and filing several disputes on my AMEX, Chase and Discover cards.

All which were used shortly after being stolen from me to make purchases over the Internet, @ gas stations and of all places Walmart.

The measly $2010 dollars that made Ryan shit himself are nothing compared to the rest of the shit storm that some **** heads have caused to my credit.

As for you "so called friends" I am really ashamed to have ever even considered you as such.

"Denis the scammer," Alex's "ALERT ALERT" and the other wonderful things you "friends" had to say about me without knowing a damn thing really got a rise out of me.

TB, I appreciate your threats towards my family.... I hope we meet one day so that I can show you my appreciation in person.

It is really unbelievable to me that you people would go to such extremes to call a person out without having the slightest clue as to what is going on.

It seems a lot easier for some of you to side with a TD who sells you thousands of dollars worth of watches than to wait and hear a "friend" out.

The mods here preach about the virtue of patience.... yet after 24 hours they made a spectacle of me.

If it would have been a member who got "scammed" I'm sure it would have take longer for you to call a TD out like you did me.

I donated money to you guys, I spent most of my daily life on this forum.... and this is how it ends.

You all can continue your biitching and denis fuuckfest without me.

I don't expect any of you to feel sorry for me or believe me... seems the decision has already been made.

Idk what else to say... The one moment in my life where I truly am speechless.


I'm Pretty Popular
That's right. sub4me it wasn't nice nor polite.

Anyway, I can't understand why Denis actually has sent this watch to you dredd. Don't get me wrong - I'm more than happy that you haven't been scammed. But Denis is kind of in-consequent in his being a scammer, right?

As soon as I saw this post, I was thinking the same thing. There has to be more to the story, because clearly, if he is scamming everyone, then he should have just sent the guy a brick. Hoping he clears this up, and we should close this Thread.


Legendary Member
Denis, please go back and read. There are many of us here that where wishing none of this shit was true.


I'm Pretty Popular
I can't believe i posted this without reading Denis' Post. Feel better man! Looking out!


What were we supposed think Denis? I mean we acted accordingly with the evidence and non comms we saw. Don't be all shocked that you see all this. If the scripts were flipped you would have acted the same.


I'm Pretty Popular
Wow, I feel like a dick now.

BUT, Denis, you've been in the game long enough to know what happens. I'm sure that everyone is regretting what they said, but what could people have thought. It is the type of response that is expected when people think they are scammed.

I think that some people just need to apologize, and make things right.


Put Some Respect On My Name
I'm glad we all have differing opinions honestly. This site wouldn't be what it is if everyone agreed on everything. It's well moderated and I feel a close knit place. We're mostly all here for the same thing, beautiful watches, and friendship and gaining more knowledge. Unfortunately things like what happened here with Deniss do happen, and hopefully it will be resolved.

I understand your points about posting things in people's sales threads, but I do feel that being a noob or seasoned veteran here, you should be well educated before buying a modded piece. You should be educated on buying any piece for that matter. Ask questions before you buy, and if they aren't answered to your satisfaction, let it go, and if it seems shady, then report it and let the mods take care of it.

I haven't gotten to the point in my rep collecting to buy a modded piece yet. I'm learning, but you can be damn sure that before I ever do I am going to understand as well as I can about the mods that are done, and I would never buy one without seeing the proof of work done or vouches from the watchsmiths that did the work.

Unfortunately noobs don't know all of this stuff most of the time, and it is because they don't read all the info that is set forth for us here to warn us of things to look for and all the stickies and everything. That's why that stuff is written for us. and from what I've seen it is a huge problem, that noobs come on here uninformed without reading a thing, buy or try to sell something and then are surprised by what they get. When if they would have spent some time reading there would be no problems.

If someone scams me, I will be knocking at your door, and when it opens you will be greeted with this..............................................LOL


Banned member, the goat does not approve
What were we supposed think Denis? I mean we acted accordingly with the evidence and non comms we saw. Don't be all shocked that you see all this. If the scripts were flipped you would have acted the same.

I thought after our discussions via PM after 1680 Thread.... You would have had a better understanding of me and who I am.
I guess assumptions make and ass out of you and me.

I read this thread from top to bottom.... dude... I am shaking.

i just really can't believe it.

I can understand some people giving feedback about me, or even slandering me.... but some of the shit that was said was FOUL beyond belief.
And for TB to threaten me with "Family Information" ?!?!?!?!?! are you serious man?

WOW is the only word to describe this shit.


Renowned Member
This is why speculation is bad... Unfortunately we may have lost a great member of this community for good.


Legendary Member
R2, agree.

Others asking why would Denis send the watch to the buyer?? Easy, it was about him getting $$$$, not hard to understand. Denis did a charge back on the dealer (so he already had the watches and the funds), he then tries to sell the watches and does sell one. He wants to send the buyer the watch to avoid him getting a charge back. It always all about the $$$, duh.

Denis, I don't want to add to your stress but the above pic proves nothing other then you did a charge back. Is there something I'm missing here??


Put Some Respect On My Name
Yes, good Deniss. Glad this isn't what was thought. And it will all be taken care of I'm sure. Hope you're feeling ok soon.

I don't condemn anyone for feeling how they did because with no information D. it just looked like what it looked like. and with nothing else to go on it seemed so much like a scam. and like I said, I didn't want to believe it, and glad it's not true. Yes, some idiots said some idiotic things that were stupid, but for the most part everyone was just looking out for each other.

Hope you're feeling better soon.



Denis the scammer did make it right...

After being robbed and beaten, then hospitalized for a week.

My best friend (my dad), canceled all my credit cards, my social accounts, email accounts and put everything on hold for me. Including changing my email address on RWI and filing several disputes on my AMEX, Chase and Discover cards.

If that's what happened, very sorry to hear. Don't get mad at RWI though. I understand your dad cancelling credit cards and bank cards, but changing usernames on Instagram / Facebook / RWI and deleting only certain Instagram followers? That doesn't make any sense to me after a stolen wallet. Those things aren't even related. RWI did the right thing given the truly weird circumstances. It's too bad your dad didn't email someone telling them what happened while accessing all your emails and social media accounts.

I hope Ryan gets his money back after the CC dispute has been closed. Was that the only one transaction disputed? I only see one.


Denis, really bud, I wouldn't trust my own mother until I knew all the facts. I certainly wouldn't get a read on your life just by a conversation. Let's get all the facts straight and get this fixed. I will take down the scammer annou now that we know you are communicating.


Renowned Member
Denis, please go back and read. There are many of us here that where wishing none of this shit was true.

[...]a innocent person would have straightened this out on page one. When its a member sale there's always two sides maybe even three sides to the story. [...]I couldn't give a F about what he's mad at, or his life situation, or his overpriced sales post, F all that shit. It doesn't matter. [...]
