There is no need to post your question several times in different threads of this forum. One is enough
This looks like a real CF to me, enjoy it
Hi guys,
I've just received the QC pics from my TD of the Submariner 114060 No Date Black Ceramic Clean Factory 904L 1:1 Best Edition on SS Bracelet VR3130 and, as a lot of fake Clean one's are apearing today, i want to know your opinion whether you think that everything is correct with it. I'm a little bit confused with the monkey sticker, are they changing it everytime?? Is the 1LD clasp a proper indicator that is really the ARF collaboration??
Old wrong CG :-(
No crown between SWISS ???? MADE
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This is the thread for the 116...-114060
I thought it was for the 12 series.
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so i have ordered some cf subs, but it looks like the old CGs to me. Any idea if there is actually a new batch where all subs are with the correct CG shape?
Same here with the CF NoDate.
- in March i've found a lot of fresh CF QC Pics with correct CGs on it
- in October before CN Holidays, i ordered a CF 114060 and i"m getting the super straight and totally wrong CGs on the QC Pics (Watch rejected..)
After that i ask Li from jtime to please send me a few newer QC Pics from his last CF NoDate batch (maybe he have better connection to CF as my othe TD or whatever)
But No, all the same... I think Clean has Sold out all the good correct "v2" subcases and is back to the (maybe cheaper) wrong Version now.
CG issues are with 116xxx and 114060, not the 12xxxx series... Guys you got this thing wrong.
That is what I am afraid of too. Was it just some random corrected watches or is there an actual full batch with updated CGs?
Bc I ordered 3 watches, and all have straight CG. Quite frustrating tbh.
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So I just got back from talking to Lana. She accepted and said that she gets in contact with CF and will come back to me with new QC, let’s see what going to happen.
Bc actually the watches I received QC for, where looking great. It was just them damn CGs man.
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I wish you all the best. I rejected 2 watches with the wrong cg. Than Lana told me that they checked with CF and they told her that this is the watch. So she basically came back to me and told me there is nothing she can do. So it's a take it or leave it offer.
Yeah that is what I am expecting tbh. I’m guessing you took it?
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I ordered it for a friend ... He does not care so much about this minor flaw. He is not having as much attention for details.
I would have rejected it and waited for another factory to make it right. I will GL it today when I come home.