Getting To Know The Place
- 11/8/20
- 31
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KJ2020 Thanks for that suggestion! The thought of reducing the thickness of one of the rings and then doubling them up never crossed my mind. I have access to a lathe at work so I think I have an idea how to make the process of removing material a little easier 
My plan at the moment though is to replace the bezel retaining ring, its not terribly expensive and it seems like this will take care of the issue without having to double stack things. I still haven’t found a good method for removing it however. The only thing I’ve come across is a guy on YouTube who uses a razor blade as a wedge to lift the retaining ring off the case... seems like a fine way to scratch the top of the case to hell if you ask me.
My plan at the moment though is to replace the bezel retaining ring, its not terribly expensive and it seems like this will take care of the issue without having to double stack things. I still haven’t found a good method for removing it however. The only thing I’ve come across is a guy on YouTube who uses a razor blade as a wedge to lift the retaining ring off the case... seems like a fine way to scratch the top of the case to hell if you ask me.
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