Has anyone ever seen a rep with the “Wimbledon” dial? I’d love to get that dial
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I understand chinese. So here's summary of the whole video's comparisons.http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE0NjA1MTEyOA==.html?sharekey=7a0bfcb7bc63cbc323c344f0f86ad29a9
Again here is the video of comparison vs gen...
at 15 min you can see that the time seting is the same as gen
I honestly couldnt see the difference. How are they different? ARF lugs are more curved?Thanks a lot and it looks it is very good rep but one thing confusing me,we can see on video that SEL and case lugs arent the same and how he cant see this with naked eye
I honestly couldnt see the difference. How are they different? ARF lugs are more curved?
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Are u sure about theese specs? It should be really interesting...3135 Date Disc won’t fit as an overlay. You need 3187 / 3136 DateDisc.
stolen from here
<<However, there is a big BUT!!!! that I had to realize and wasted 100€... Gen 3135/3186 DateDisc DOESN’T work as well!!! 41mm Datejust models and 42mm Explorer are using a different DateDisc which is wider because of different diameter. Sounds logical, but to figure out that this is the case we already cut the date teeth of my gen 3135 and realized that it’s completely left oriented.... At the beginning we didn’t know the reason until another great member supported us (BananSplit) and shared that we need 3187 Date Disc. Thus, I spent another 130€ for a gen one. Ado213 did a great job and fitted this as a DWO. It’s now in the same tolerance as gens are. So really good!>>
Freediver007 Hello, thanks for this. I had the same problem with the ARF DJ 41mm Datedisc, i bought the wrong datedisc then numbers didn’t arrived at the window in the correct way. Now i want to try the datedisc you posted, do you know where i can find it? Gen or replica, i’m searching on ebay but nothing to do...i’m hopeless ????
Wow great. Would love to see the same with gray dial and Jubilee. I think this will be my next watch. DateDisc and crystal can be replaced and it’s perfect. Just be careful, 3135 Date Disc won’t fit as an overlay. You need 3187 / 3136 DateDisc.
3136 DW should align, its used before the 3235 came about in 2017.I think that 3235 overlay will fit also.
I don’t get what’s taking so long to release the jubilee
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