mine finally arrived.
Looking great, get some more pics up cwazy1
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mine finally arrived.
Get her a diver.. Sure that would sweeten her up a bit!
If you had to chose between diver and panda (yes I know hugely diff watches lol) which would you go for? If you keep panda you thinking keep on SS bracelet?
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It's actually really good 3 actually, all are good for diff times! Lets get a threesome shot soon please
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See whit ye'v started mate. A was happy as Larry, paying no attention to AP then oot the blue, BOOOOOM. Now a need one. lol.
Looks like I'll be able to keep the Panda Wife's offered to buy me the 57th for my birthday
Nice! Now you just have to convince her to add a Safari to the family :cheers:
In the words of Monty Python, "You LUCKY LUCKY barsteward" hahaha nice one mate.
Msrp is $750
They pop up used on eBay once in a while for $400