Just received my QC pics from Jtime after a long wait ( over 2 months) what do you guys think ? Any issues flaws ? Should i accept it ?
Can someone please help me with the decision ? ????
Thank you!
If you’re familiar with my previous post i got scammed by someone and i had no idea! Now I’m asking because i don’t know if there are any flaws o a help will be appreciated
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If you're buying from a TD you won't get scammed. Posting QC pics is not allowed. Doing your homework and educating yourself about the watch you're buying so that you can QC it yourself is highly recommended.
Everyone is doing it even on this topic so many ppl are posting and asking questions, I’ve done my homework before ordering now instead replying to me with help or solutions , you really could’ve been helpful by answering simple question , don’t need the negative energy please. Thanks
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Take it. You're welcome.Can someone please help me with the decision ? ????
Thank you!
What do you guys think about the movement in this ZZF v2? If we are talking about reliability in months/years for A3135, what would be usual?
1 day - 20 years... give or takeWhat do you guys think about the movement in this ZZF v2? If we are talking about reliability in months/years for A3135, what would be usual?
Damn it lmao I just bought a RXF 116610lnLooks like it’s a possibility that a ZZF V3 Hulk is about to release according to a channel on youku. https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTime/co...urce=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
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Beautiful in oysterflex
V3 includes a more prominent "sunbursty" dial compared to v2s. The "sunbursty" dial is also darker compared to v2s.