I wouldnt' say completely, I would say maybe closer than APSF and other ZF models, and DP.
I agree with what someone said earlier - dP dials have more sunburst than some of the IPF, JF, APSF and ZF dials, but they tend to go overboard.
I have friends with Gen ROs and have worn them myself.
The shine not just of the dial but of the dial markers is something else. Another thing that most of the rep dials dont replicate well is how the light bounces off the tapisserie as you change the angle of your dial. Dp dials seem to go from 'flat' to 'on-the-surface-of-the-sun' bright, whereas gen dials seem to oscillate and sparkle but not in a crazy sense.
ZF dials on other models are a little duller, especially black and silver.
I've had several RO reps, read so many posts here, on Reptime and discord, and am confident that there is no substitute for a gen royal oak dial (at the moment). Some of the reps, like zf 15202 are close becuase the gen 15202 dial is not shiny. Same with the black 15500s, but its still not a match.