I got Audio Technica ATH-M50X as well, I use a FIIO amp as well.
Mostly when commuting to NYC for work almost everyday. The amp is in fact an e11 and it makes a huge difference.E11 or what? What do you use it with? I use it mainly with my phone and laptop and the quality is pretty insane with FLAC files, is it really needed?
Travelling a couple of thousand km's per month, Bose QC20 are my best friends nowadays... Best noise cancelling out there.
333 - Halfway to hell.
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Yes, you are absolutely right. I have a M40X model, they are the best[h=3]Audio Technica ATH-M50x, these are amazing...[/h]
For everyday travelling around London UK I use these: http://m.bowers-wilkins.com/shop/headphones/C5-S2.html Amazing definition and punchy bass.
When travelling to and around the USA on business I have an old pair of Bose QC15, which have great noise cancelling (^^as Ultrasonic mentions ^^) but as are not as sharp as the Bowers but when stuck on a noisy plane with screaming kids etc I want to knock out as much outside noise as possible!!!
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Grado. Any Grado ! I have had them all. The only word I can describe about them [used with a good tube amp and source] is ALIVE !! ......... They are the only ones that give me goose pimples aside from a multi buck electrostatic. .............. and yes, I have been an audiophile for over 40 years. This old foghorn still rocks! :dancing: .... Ha ha !!
Grado. Any Grado ! I have had them all. The only word I can describe about them [used with a good tube amp and source] is ALIVE !! ......... They are the only ones that give me goose pimples aside from a multi buck electrostatic. .............. and yes, I have been an audiophile for over 40 years. This old foghorn still rocks! :dancing: .... Ha ha !!