Oh but i tought that it was the good version, so the long awaited is still not out ?
I’m kinda lost, because i was thinking that KVF was the right maker, so the gen movement dissasembled is not this one ?
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We're all lost, Angus spun us a yarn for so long no one knows what's what anymore!
You might be right, maybe this is the long awaited rep, but it doesn't look like what Angus posted which appeared to have a working month wheel. Who knows, this is a great rep anyway so well worth buying if you want a good RM011 rep... you're still about 4 weeks behind the pace though, haha!!
This is why we should all stop listening to the hype factory and just wait for the watches to be released, as plenty of people probably won't but this because they still wait for the next one, madness all caused by one of the dealers... how does that make good business sense?