What do you think? Look closely at the date!
Looks great, I wish they did one with black ceramic instead of the carbon... and I think the font of the Richard Mille name is wrong...
Thanks mate, I have just measured with a digital calliper and it's just under - actually about 16.5 but I couldn't hold the calliper tight and take the pic on my phone very well!!
Thanks mate!
So only 3.5mm difference from gen.
Looks really good.
Debating between the all black (like yours) and the aisa edition (Black and Gold).
Oh man this is nice and have been on the fence of getting one myself. What do you think of this one? Is it close enough to the gen?
"Tienes que correr riesgos, en esta vida"
It's too soon to say it's the best rep I've ever owned, but it's certainly one of the best, and by far and away the best RM rep I've owned!
Is the carbon pattern close to gen? No!
Is it a little thick? Sure!
Do I care?! Not even slightly!!!!
Get one, you won't regret it (apart from the large whole in your bank account)!
It is a tricky one for sure, I had the same dilemma, but I am really pleased with my choice. I recently bought this and a ARF 904L 43mm Seadweller which I am also really pleased with, but I keep going back to this. It’s so much lighter, I have to keep checking it’s still on my wrist!
If you don't mind me asking what's your wrist size?
Mine's about 6.25" so wondering how it will look.
Any more wrist shots you have?