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shotgun Respected Member Supporter Certified 5/6/12 3,233 1,523 113 EU 23/1/16 #8,781 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
L la Fantasma Respected Member 8/4/14 4,465 58 48 24/1/16 #8,782 New build : Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
S Snoweagle Active Member 29/1/15 256 1 0 24/1/16 #8,783 chronomate said: The gens I've seen have Platinum numbers. No idea if older versions had white, but currently they are Platinum. Click to expand... Older ones are indeed whitish, or more beige in color. Yes after that later models have them in platinum.
chronomate said: The gens I've seen have Platinum numbers. No idea if older versions had white, but currently they are Platinum. Click to expand... Older ones are indeed whitish, or more beige in color. Yes after that later models have them in platinum.
D davide2786 Active Member 2/1/15 273 8 0 24/1/16 #8,785 Johnnylazar said: New build : Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Click to expand... :thumbup:
A alessandri I'm Pretty Popular 28/10/15 1,886 215 63 25/1/16 #8,791 Second attempt at "fixing" a Pearl. The original looked like the Death Star. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Second attempt at "fixing" a Pearl. The original looked like the Death Star. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
B bgreg I'm Pretty Popular 18/11/12 1,673 134 63 Florida 25/1/16 #8,792 Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk
T3RM1N4T0R The Terminator Mod Advisor 25/8/13 15,414 4,258 113 25/1/16 #8,798 Noob v5.1 aka V6 just in from toro sent from my Samsung S6 Edge +
T3RM1N4T0R The Terminator Mod Advisor 25/8/13 15,414 4,258 113 25/1/16 #8,800 Pretty happy but off to BK it will go sent from my Samsung S6 Edge +