Modding a watch isnt a hobby of mine. I just want a quality replica without intentional mistakes that keep me chasing a plastic carrot.
In this case it’s Probably best to buy a nice equivalent gen with the money.
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Modding a watch isnt a hobby of mine. I just want a quality replica without intentional mistakes that keep me chasing a plastic carrot.
The intentional mistakes ARE an urban myth. It's actually just supply and demand in action. A new rep just has to be better than what's on the market if you want to sell for the same or higher price. The rep factories want to maximize their profit with the smallest investment possible. No conspiracy at all taking place. The closer you want to come to the gen, the more hand-finishing by highly trained professionals is needed. Law of diminishing returns in action. If the rep is already at 85% gen, you need to increase your cost by 50% to get over the 95% gen level. One example: you'd need to introduce gen-level polishing/engraving to have perfect hands and movement parts.I was right behind you until this last part. I always thought the 'intentional mistakes' was an urban myth or a joke.
No, you simply have to stick to the wrist-safe reps (OOTB). There's quite a few of those available these days...In this case it’s Probably best to buy a nice equivalent gen with the money.
I was right behind you until this last part. I always thought the 'intentional mistakes' was an urban myth or a joke. But to have it put out there in black and white is a little.....enlightening. Further, it makes me think that all these 'factories' arent so independent.....more like a family run business that has many branches under different names. Thank you for pulling back the curtain on the wizard of Oz.
Modding a watch isnt a hobby of mine. I just want a quality replica without intentional mistakes that keep me chasing a plastic carrot.
The intentional mistakes ARE an urban myth. It's actually just supply and demand in action. A new rep just has to be better than what's on the market if you want to sell for the same or higher price. The rep factories want to maximize their profit with the smallest investment possible. No conspiracy at all taking place. The closer you want to come to the gen, the more hand-finishing by highly trained professionals is needed. Law of diminishing returns in action. If the rep is already at 85% gen, you need to increase your cost by 50% to get over the 95% gen level. One example: you'd need to introduce gen-level polishing/engraving to have perfect hands and movement parts.
If I got into modding a watch to make it nearly perfect, I wouldnt wear it as much. I usually strap on a rep when Im out doing some sort of abusive activity, dirtbike riding, boating, yard work. If I smash the thing, im out a few hundred, not 15 large.
No, you simply have to stick to the wrist-safe reps (OOTB). There's quite a few of those available these days...
Not sure how a gen for 500 USD is going to solve this issue. If that's the money he wants to spend and is looking for the best OOTB rep... well there is one. If he buys a Ginault, Steinhart or Davosa instead, he's even further from a gen Sub and will keep selling and buying gens instead. Also chasing a carrot - which is: a gen Sub. Permanent flipping isn't reserved for reps, it was actually invented by gen collectors.Well no, He said he wants a quality rep where he wouldn’t be chasing a plastic carrot and no modding. The best reps at the moment will always have a revised version down the road.
For this reason, my point still stands .
Well no, He said he wants a quality rep where he wouldn’t be chasing a plastic carrot and no modding. The best reps at the moment will always have a revised version down the road.
2 years ago ARF v2 2824 was the Best ootb or (wrist safe) sure as hell isn’t now. I wonder how many of those owners upgeaded to v3 or bought one of the new factories. I was one of those people, I’ve had a v3 ARF and since the new zzfs.
I’m Just about to buy the new 3130 no date and I already owned the first iteration, Before that the noob version (which was once a wrist safe rep too) and it’s awful now ) There will always be another version better than yours that you’ll likely want later on.
For this reason, my point still stands .
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Not sure how a gen for 500 USD is going to solve this issue. If that's the money he wants to spend and is looking for the best OOTB rep... well there is one. If he buys a Ginault, Steinhart or Davosa instead, he's even further from a gen Sub and will keep selling and buying gens instead. Also chasing a carrot - which is: a gen Sub. Permanent flipping isn't reserved for reps, it was actually invented by gen collectors.
Insert same dial different
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You forgot the 'Intentional mistakes' part....that was the crux of my irk. Mnkosha stated he is in the industry and let the cat out of the bag in black and white, only to walk it back. I can understand if a better version comes out for watch xyz. But would be put off if the factories intentionally lowered their game for the sake of future
hang on a min mate, I’m not in the replica watch industry, you have mistaken, don’t now how you jumped to that conclusion. There’s no curtain or wizard of OZ. I’m in the manufacturing industry of similar items that are hight quality, large And small scale production, design, machining, CNC and toolmaking. Im in no way affiliated with the replica industry. Just so we are clear, the statement I made was maybe not labeled properly and was sarcasm (apologies for my poor punctuation) and most that have been here long enough would probably realise that. No back peddling here... I was only trying to point out there’s a large amount of work that goes into making some products and that variations are inevitable and not always intentional. My main point was to back up Angus a bit in his efforts to communicate with the forum without criticism especially when some have no idea how their watch is produced.
Not sure how a gen for 500 USD is going to solve this issue. If that's the money he wants to spend and is looking for the best OOTB rep... well there is one. If he buys a Ginault, Steinhart or Davosa instead, he's even further from a gen Sub and will keep selling and buying gens instead. Also chasing a carrot - which is: a gen Sub. Permanent flipping isn't reserved for reps, it was actually invented by gen collectors.
Not sure how a gen for 500 USD is going to solve this issue. If that's the money he wants to spend and is looking for the best OOTB rep... well there is one. If he buys a Ginault, Steinhart or Davosa instead, he's even further from a gen Sub and will keep selling and buying gens instead. Also chasing a carrot - which is: a gen Sub. Permanent flipping isn't reserved for reps, it was actually invented by gen collectors.
More photos or Release date please !!!
I refresh all day long the thread to see if you post new photos.
What movement inside the ZF Hulk ?
You forgot the 'Intentional mistakes' part....that was the crux of my irk. Mnkosha stated he is in the industry and let the cat out of the bag in black and white, only to walk it back. I can understand if a better version comes out for watch xyz. But would be put off if the factories intentionally lowered their game for the sake of future
hang on a min mate, I’m not in the replica watch industry, you have mistaken, don’t now how you jumped to that conclusion. There’s no curtain or wizard of OZ. I’m in the manufacturing industry of similar items that are hight quality, large And small scale production, design, machining, CNC and toolmaking. Im in no way affiliated with the replica industry. Just so we are clear, the statement I made was maybe not labeled properly and was sarcasm (apologies for my poor punctuation) and most that have been here long enough would probably realise that. No back peddling here... I was only trying to point out there’s a large amount of work that goes into making some products and that variations are inevitable and not always intentional. My main point was to back up Angus a bit in his efforts to communicate with the forum without criticism especially when some have no idea how their watch is produced.
Thank you my friend![]()