Looks awesome mate. Cant wait to get mine. I'm still waiting on QC pictures.
I’m 100% sure ZZF v4 will use same this crystal, let’s see.
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Neither does the gen. While all rep dials fall short, let's not perpetuate misinformation.
This is not a bow tie...
Also not discussed to date is you'll see more sunbursts with your eyes than you will through a camera lens - on the rep, and on the gen.
The reason being - you have two eyes and each will see a slightly different pattern.
Just got QC pics for the Noob V11 and wanted to check if its just me or those right side lugs seems a tad loose here?
I think this pic highlights the issue i have with the crown. The "ridges" on it are pretty "pointy". So when you actually have to use the crown its feels pretty uncomfortable on the fingers. Mind you it doesnt cut or hurt you. But its just not nice. What do you think?Some side by side pics to show crown and crystal height and lug profiles etc andsuch..
Genuine LN, VSF in green.
Identical unless you have an electron microscope?
So you took a eta ZZF and compared it to a clone 3135 vsf?
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The ZZF hulk is miles better than the VSF
Case shape is different on eta vs 3135, just doesn’t seem like a fair comparison is all. The ZZF hulk is miles better than the VSF but that’s just my opinion. It’s a good review with good pics, woulda been cool if they were all 3135 though.
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Expand? Just seems quite a statement without qualifying it...
I have an old noob V7 (LN) which I've never really been satisfied with. I even put a gen crystal+DW on it.
Maybe it's time for one of these VSF LV's.
I could even move my gen crystal+DW to the new VSF, or is that not necessary? The VSF DW looks pretty amazing as it is.
The hulk dial is miles better on the ZZF the color pattern is the closest to Gen yet, the insert is also better and has that color change in different lights situations, dial text is great as well. It’s a pointless pissing match as everyone has their favorites, we are certainly spoiled with the reps of today. Buy what you like and go with it. And I agree with the fellow above about comparing to Gen is all that matters. As always there’s pros and cons to each model.
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I'm in this hobby from 10years.
The BEST rep of 2020 is " VSF ".
i have gen 116610, i had ( LF,NOOB V6S,JF,ARF and ZZF ) but the best otb is VSF absolutely.
You can look here https://m.youku.com/video/id_XNDkzNT...-watch.info%2F