Added to "Probably super rep". Are you sure its discontinued ?
I bought mine from InTime two years ago.
well, the eatch is cool, a lot understatement, asked my TD 3 day' s and yesterday it was shipped to me.
Looks and feels gen in every way. No point buying gen
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I need this.
Haha. Everybody needs one!
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Where’d you get the Gen camo?
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I was going to get mine at Intime w/ Ryan and it says it's discontinued, at least on his site.
I had plenty of warning it would be, having been on sale for so long. But I slept on it. So I got what I deserved. Nothing!
I'd be interested to know who this TD is, too.
I just called my AD to order one.eBay. I also had a gen ranger buns strap from m2m.
My local AD said they can order me a you can try that route as well.
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