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The purpose of QC pictures


Getting To Know The Place
I kind of don't get this. I understand that it is the job of the buyer to be buyer informed before making their purchase but is this also against getting some help with questions on possible issues that could be resolved? Here is an example I bought a watch and in the photos you could not see that when they applied the 12 hour marker some of the adhesive smudged. I would not have kicked the item even if I had


I would have probably posted QC pictures here to see how hard it would be to fix if I did not know. The forum is to help others out right? I am not saying I would do this but I could see where others would and to me I think its fair if they are trying to figure out how hard a small flaw would be to fix before accepting the watch. Nothing is more aggravating then having something you are incapable of fixing and having to pay more money to have it fixed.

I don't know what the TD could do as I don't know if the factory would take the watch back and solve small issues like this. I am capable of doing work like this and I service my own watches but I would bet 99.9% of this forum can not.


Getting To Know The Place
I've been told not to share photos more than once. I think it is in my best interest to share them because having another pair of eyes is always better.


Getting To Know The Place
I am also getting conflicting information. Some say QC is for quality control, others say that it's just to confirm you are getting the correct watch. I've decided not to bother with it and just find a TD that will do the QC for me. Problem solved.


Known Member
Oh, I didn't realize posting a QC pic was against the forum policy. Saw some other members posting it, so I did my LBJ with deco plate as well. I guess I didn't clearly distinguish the purpose of posting that fits the guideline.

?? SM-G925S ? Tapatalk?? ??


Legendary Member
Oh, I didn't realize posting a QC pic was against the forum policy. Saw some other members posting it, so I did my LBJ with deco plate as well. I guess I didn't clearly distinguish the purpose of posting that fits the guideline.

?? SM-G925S ? Tapatalk?? ??

Your thread was closed because of this Quote

How does the QC pic look? Any flaws in particular?



darby g

Renowned Member
The QC pics are for YOU to look at. If you don't know what to look for, maybe you should've learned more about what you bought, before you bought it..


Getting To Know The Place
I'll probably stand corrected, but as a beginner, I think it's somewhat strange we can't depend on the expertise of actual....experts.

I mean look at any other hobby or job. You always want an expert opinion, but here we have to do our own research.

Do not get me wrong, I see the HUGE problem of being spoonfed every single thing, but seriously, this 'hobby' is pretty damn complicated and once you get into it, you just like buying watches and asking actual experts for their opinions on a piece. What good is your knowledge on the subject if you don't like sharing it, on a forum? :)

It may be easy to say 'just do your own research', but didn't it take most of you guys ages to get to the level of knowledge you're at now? Are newbies requested to first take weeks or months to learn every in and out on pieces they like, before purchasing one?

Again, don't misunderstand. I'm new here and just trying to see what the general way of thinking here is. If I'm talking nonsense and that is what you guys want new members to do, I digress :)


In a Causal Loop
I'll probably stand corrected, but as a beginner, I think it's somewhat strange we can't depend on the expertise of actual....experts.

I mean look at any other hobby or job. You always want an expert opinion, but here we have to do our own research.

Do not get me wrong, I see the HUGE problem of being spoonfed every single thing, but seriously, this 'hobby' is pretty damn complicated and once you get into it, you just like buying watches and asking actual experts for their opinions on a piece. What good is your knowledge on the subject if you don't like sharing it, on a forum? :)

It may be easy to say 'just do your own research', but didn't it take most of you guys ages to get to the level of knowledge you're at now? Are newbies requested to first take weeks or months to learn every in and out on pieces they like, before purchasing one?

Again, don't misunderstand. I'm new here and just trying to see what the general way of thinking here is. If I'm talking nonsense and that is what you guys want new members to do, I digress :)

A lot of the "fun" comes from learning about watches. It's not about the destination. It's about the journey.

Also, Sometimes people find RWI, pick a dealer, buy a watch and then post the QC pictures asking..."how does this look?" or "you guys see any issues?" Then...they disappear. They aren't here to be part of the community. They just want the "best" rep! The QC "rules" really help deter that.

In general, if you have specific questions about a certain defect or issues, it's OK to post a QC picture and ask about that defect. Keep in mind though, these are all replicas. They all have flaws The specific issue you decide to ask about may just happen to be an inherent flaw in that replica and there's already a thread discussing it in the Rolex, PAM etc., section.

Finally, yes you should do a good deal of research before you buy any rep watch. It will save you money and disappointment. Know what you are buying. Know the flaws and defects. Knowledge is power!


Active Member
Damn, both of you fiddo and buildingfutures made very good and valuable points! Really glad to NOT make a decision about forum rules...

I really can understand both point of views - maybe the best as a newbie to this (really!!!) complex and confusing hobby is to be a member of different forums with different rules. In other forums it is ok to post QC pics and ask for general opinions, but here it is a no-go. But here you have the most members, and answers to the most questions you may have, it "just" [emoji6] takes some time to get familiar with all this strange stuff, the acronyms, the names of dealers and factories, time to read, and time to use the search function, and to read again and again.

As always in life, there are pros and cons, advantages and drawbacks. My "strategy" as a newcomer was to be a member of different forums (4 rep forums) and to get familiar with the different rules here and there, and to read and get knowledge as much I can get.

After 2+ years I'm mostly hanging around here, just because I think this is the most active forum, the best spirit, the best moderated forum and the most protecting-fellow-members-forum (hell, just see what will happen to scammers/scumbags/fuckbags etc.). And YES, it's also the most entertaining forum here, really a lot of fun and good humor!

All the best mate, just don't be shy, and try different things! I'm really very confident you'll be VERY soon an active and reputable member with enough knowledge to make educated decisions and to help others! [emoji106]


Getting To Know The Place
A lot of the "fun" comes from learning about watches. It's not about the destination. It's about the journey.

Also, Sometimes people find RWI, pick a dealer, buy a watch and then post the QC pictures asking..."how does this look?" or "you guys see any issues?" Then...they disappear. They aren't here to be part of the community. They just want the "best" rep! The QC "rules" really help deter that.

In general, if you have specific questions about a certain defect or issues, it's OK to post a QC picture and ask about that defect. Keep in mind though, these are all replicas. They all have flaws The specific issue you decide to ask about may just happen to be an inherent flaw in that replica and there's already a thread discussing it in the Rolex, PAM etc., section.

Finally, yes you should do a good deal of research before you buy any rep watch. It will save you money and disappointment. Know what you are buying. Know the flaws and defects. Knowledge is power!

Definitely valid points, but I think many people have to realize (and I'm not speaking for myself here) that a lot of people just want to buy watches, that's it. They don't want to learn about all the things that come with it. However, buying reps is still quite expensive to most people, so I don't blame anyone for trying to get as much good info on their purchase as possible. Most importantly, from people who are NOT selling them anything.

How amazing would it be if you could walk into any store, look at the things you like and call someone up who could give you all the info you need on the ins and outs to make a well educated decision? That's what this forum is. That perfect friend you can call with your questions, so you feel good about your purchase and don't feel lost in a world of a ton of information.

Then again, I do understand the whole idea behind wanting to become a close community. It would take a lot of fun away if one-time shoppers or even window shoppers just drop in with a question or two and dissapear again.


Renowned Member
Theres a wealth of info here but some douches just want to take a short cut and ask ,"who has the best sub". Doesn't work that way. You dont go into a library and walk out with knowledge by taking a piss inside.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
The reason for the ban is simple, noob posts QC pics and some self appointed "expert" comes along and tells him the 2 o'clock marker is .05 of a mm too far to the left. Noob knowing no better rejects watch, dealer gets stuck with said watch and needs to sell it a loss. Dealer then needs to make up said loss by jacking up the price on other watches.

Really if you are happy with the watch that is what counts in the end. If you see something you are not sure about (ie: is this lume a bit uneven/date wheel out of alignment/dial printing rough or are they all like that with this model?) then by all means post and ask just don't post a general "Is this piece OK?" and expect a favorable response.

The main thing to remember is this:



Active Member
The reason for the ban is simple, noob posts QC pics and some self appointed "expert" comes along and tells him the 2 o'clock marker is .05 of a mm too far to the left. Noob knowing no better rejects watch, dealer gets stuck with said watch and needs to sell it a loss. Dealer then needs to make up said loss by jacking up the price on other watches.

... Dealer is more selective next time they work with factory. Factory can't sell some watches with bad QC. Factory takes a loss on watches with bad QC. Factory incentivized to improve QC.
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Getting To Know The Place
My bad guys. I Just posted a new thread on this topic. Sorry for the pain and headache it has caused you... I had a mis interpretation on the purpose of qc pics. Yes it is the correct watch and no there is no obvious damage, I was looking into the pics for too much! Wish one was able to delete ones own stupid noon post before I can button up my flame resistant suite! Lesson learned.


Do not accept unsolicited offers
IMO, it is common knowledge that there are always 2 sides to a coin. . . Wouldn't it be better to have a section for QC support or something like that? Rather than put the reputation of the forum on the line. Some a-hole might buy a piece and then find something wrong and then put the forums name out there, suffixed, prefixed or affixed to the dreadful word SCAMMERS!
Its easy for anyone to miss a spot or something, after all, life itself is perceptional and we all see things differently.
I remember seeing a thread some days ago where one of the seasoned members couldn't see a crooked 6 on a Rollie rep because the 9 was also crooked, took another member to point it out to him.
Anyways, its fine that everyone seems to be the alpha grand master watch aficionado and thus condescend towards the newbie.
But lets keep in mind that everyone at one point was a newbie.
. . . *Clears throat and braces self for shit storm*


Getting To Know The Place
In my view QC should not just include photos but should also be a check, if possible, to ensure the watch actually runs without any problems at least for 12 hours. It would possibly help prevent against doa watches or the recent problem I encountered where the second hand catches on the hour hand at a particular time and the watch stops. When a watch from China arrives on your doorstep and it doesn't work it's hassle to sort the issue out, I realize it's a risk with this hobby but anything that can be done to minimize doa watches or those with faulty mechanisms/movements is worthwhile.