Nearly part of the planet ocean club...just revived my QC's [emoji847][emoji847]
Love the orange [emoji7][emoji7]
Sent from the RWI mobile app
Btw, any of you guys installed the micro adjusting clasp on your PO?
I'm reading a thread over on another board about part number 117STZ001154 for 42mm watch with 20/18 taper.
Got one on my Tudor and now I can't live without it. So much more comfortable
Sent from a very nice tin can with a really good string.
Yep, bought one for each of my omegas. Best thing in the world. Attaches no problem.
A late happy Halloween to you too
Sent from a very nice tin can with a really good string.
Wow! That's great but what was your Halloween costume?
Jk! That's is awesome!!!
Sent from the RWI mobile app
Thought they were producing a rep version already and got crazy excited.
Still $124 for anything genuine omega is pretty cheap!
Sent from the RWI mobile app
A late happy Halloween to you too
Sent from a very nice tin can with a really good string.
Haha, I LOVE this pic! That mic ring seals the deal.