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The MH crystal just disappeared (pics)


Legendary Member
Suppose since I've just turned 40 I better go for another eyesight test!!

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Active Member
I think Sharrkey just handed jckilla's ass to him.

I've dealt with a buyer like that before, they expect a brand new watch for a used price, exaggerate flaws, demand excessive price refunds / concessions after the fact, etc. No fun, and really does a disservice to the community if you're not a seasoned member who knows that these sort of unreasonable buyers exist everywhere.


Put Some Respect On My Name
The bezel had to be completely refinished due to a very deep scratch ( undisclosed to me prior to sale, but pictures WILL be up ) on the bezel, I wish i was told about the scrath ( major ) on the bezel, Pics will be up soon Sharrkey's original pictures made it look like a catalog watch, and unforunately, i had to spend quite a bit to get it there. but I still should've been informed about the scratch that is now gone.

I'm gonna post up the pics that you sent during the week in a minute, but here's a few shots of the deep scratch that you talk about, one of them I've ZOOMED in so you can actually see it




I suppose someone have to learn the meaning of deep scratches before shooting their mouth, a typical case of unreasonable high expectation.

By the way, where is the pics that you have promise to post, buyer?:thud:


Legendary Member
I suppose someone have to learn the meaning of deep scratches before shooting their mouth, a typical case of unreasonable high expectation.

By the way, where is the pics that you have promise to post, buyer?:thud:

Here's the pics he emailed me during the week




Unless he has some more macro under bright light to share, you have no idea the amount pics I have of this rep on my iPhone and 3 photo bucket accounts'

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Put Some Respect On My Name
Here's the pics he emailed me during the week

Unless he has some more macro under bright light to share, you have no idea the amount pics I have of this rep on my iPhone and 3 photo bucket accounts'

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Lol...... that is
. Scratches yes it is definitely not a very deep scratches to me or i believe anyone with a reasonable expectation.


Known Member
I exaggerated NOTHING the pictures you have put up are from Joe's shop. We'll wait til he chimes in. The scratches on the bezel could NOT be buffed out. The ENTIRE bezel had to be refinished. The scratches on the side of the case and on the screws were also bad. You DID inform me of the subdial problem, I said nothing of it, other than that Joe helped fix the issue. And yes, your pictures made the watch look amazing, compared to what I got. Let's just let Joe say what had to be done to get it to perfect condition. ( not the AR service ) just the bezel refinishing and casework and screws. I am not saying I got screwed over, I said I wish the deeper scratches would have been acknowledged before sale. That's all. As far as the movement being loud, Sharrkey if you're trying to say it wasn't you're lying. The movement was VERY loud and Joe was nice enough since I put so much money into getting it perfect to tighten the rotor to make it quiet ( an easy fix ) - Go ahead and bash me, but don't act like I don't have pictures of the work done after. You never posted pictures that were recent where I could see any of the surface scratches that needed fixed - and I understand why you didn't show recent pics, but wait you just said you have tons of pictures of the watch with the scratch, so why didn't you post them during the original sales thread? I shouldn't have had to immediately send the watch off for work, other than the AR treatment, but the scratches WERE bad. Do you really think Joe is going to say that he needed to refinish the entire bezel, if the "minor" scratch that you believe it was could have been buffed out? NO! Joe is a stand up guy, and is out there to help us, all of us, whether it be AR, bezel fixing, hell, anything in regards to a watch. I will not say ANYTHING bad about him, he has been a good friend to me, and guided me step by step through everything that needed to be fixed. YES you told me about the subdial, I did not say anything bad about you in regards to that. I am bummed that when I opened the very securely wrapped package from you that the first thing my eyes were drawn to were 2 significant scratches that are now gone. I think we should let Joe have the final say in what needed to be done. And that will be the end of it. ( and i did not wear the watch, and NO scratches could have gotten on it during my possession before I mailed it off to Joe for work, I sent it in the same package, with more bubblewrap, and he got it less than a week after you sent it to me.


Legendary Member
Deep scratch my fcuking ass, I'm at work ATM so limited to what I can do ATM
Joe can post what he wants and I'll be interested to see what he posts, your full of shit full stop.

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Legendary Member
I said I had tons of pictures of the watch, not the watch with scratches so get your facts right, right back to March this year and I'll happily post them all!
Watch was listed as a daily beater, description given as having surface scratches, THERE WAS NO DEEP SCRATCHES ON THE BEZEL, and now your bitching about a load rotor wft are you on, so now I'd better get my hearing checked along with my eyesight.
I've never left anyone negative sales feedback before, YOUR GONNA BE THE 1st!
I told you during the week to start a post and list your concerns pics and all, I've nothing to hide, your expectations of a daily beater/ used watch are too high, and interpretation of a surface scratch to a deep scratch is way beyond me.

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Legendary Member
So here's a few pics I took in June, standard pic and the so called deep bezel scratch under server all times ZOOM







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Legendary Member
Your words not mine,


Yon wanna start something FINE, I'll not have you or anyone else try and trash my reputation, and if Joe states that it was a DEEP SCRATCH I'll call him a liar also!

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Legendary Member
Few more pics from March 2003 of your so called deep scratch.

Zoomed in pic



Same pic edited with snapseed at the time, darkened and IF THERE WAS A DEEP SCRATCH it would show under this


So as you can see It was a surface scratch, I've got pics galore to prove You are shouting bullshite about a deep scratch, and I'll happily download onto pc and post time lapsed data of when they where taken

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I'm Pretty Popular
Hi guys, I'm only a watchsmith,I really don't wanna get in the middle of this and I refuse to after this so don't ask me any more questions, here is what I received and I take pics if everything I notice isn't perfect before before I start work on a watch to basically cover myself , the watch I received had a scratch on the bezel and screwdriver chatter on 2 lug screws,I see this alot when I get these watches in , it's either because one is in a rush or two people use the wrong size screwdriver, lol ok to the point

The scratch in my picture is normal house lights I can not use artificial lighting nor would I unless I relume but then I'm under a magnifier lamp,it was a quick picture of the scratch, if I tried I could've made it look worse,, so for me the scratch was not a normal surface scratch, I define a normal surface scratch when you can simply take a scratch removal pen or a piece of the correct paper and simply run it across and voila it's gone, this scratch I received had to be completely removed and then put the finish back on it, just like I would do to a gen that has similar one, more I don't care nor am I gonna do a lot of back and forth, these are my findings on how I received it, I'm not gonna read what he said our she said in sales thread s and pms, because interpretations of how things are read are different for everyone, but in all these pics I find it hard to believe you couldnt show that scratch which was there and it was easy for my phone to take a quickie of it, as bmw stated my pictures sucks, lol. So at any rate I blowed the pic up for you and it was worse than my picture shows, it almost looked like it was a slip of a screw driver scratch cause it started deeper at the bezel screw

But in all fairness I got it looking brand new once again and again everyone's interpretations of surface scratches versus it will take work to make it new liking is different, I'm not in this fight any longer and really didn't react to be dragged in it but I had to tell my findings only how I received the watch

Sent from s4 Active, it's waterproof like our watches :)


I'm Pretty Popular
Btw i should've taken the original picture outdoor s and it would've showed up even more but I did not realize it was gonna be an issue for people at the time, go ny giants
Sent from s4 Active, it's waterproof like our watches :)


Legendary Member
Deep scratch my ass, so much fcuking bullshit I'm lost for words.
Well Joe I don't take shite pics and I've posted enough high res pics, normal shot and zoom to prove this wasn't a deep scratch, watch was sold as a daily beater/ very good condition with surface scratches, obviously you have got some case work business out of the Op but you both have no more pics to backup the deep scratch claim.

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I'm Pretty Popular
Deep scratch my ass, so much fcuking bullshit I'm lost for words.
Well Joe I don't take shite pics and I've posted enough high res pics, normal shot and zoom to prove this wasn't a deep scratch, watch was sold as a daily beater/ very good condition with surface scratches, obviously you have got some case work business out of the Op but you both have no more pics to backup the deep scratch claim.

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Im not sure what u are insinuating that I got some bezel work out of this and im not sure why u are taking offense at my findings but I dont need a bezel job to make my living. The scratch was bigger than a surface scratch. Now that you r being offensive toward me, I assume now that you knew right from wrong. I dont have time for this bs. All I can say I dont even know who put the scratch there but when I received it, there was a scratch there. Please do not put my name in this anymore. Thanks, Joe

Sent from s4 Active, it's waterproof like our watches :)


Legendary Member
I didn't drag you into this Joe the op did, now you both claim a deep scratch post better pics of this finding and back up the claim.
I take offense to the fact I'm being accused of selling a rep with deep scratches and this is not the case, I've posted enough pics of the watch with the so call deep scratch, it wasn't deep, surface scratch yes, and yes we all have a different interpretation of what that is!!

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Renowned Member
Joe has said his piece and I agree it was unfair to involve him. However, joe has responded and his views should be respected.

As Joe said, it's all down to interpretation.

Time for everyone to move on IMO.



Legendary Member
Joe has said his piece and I agree it was unfair to involve him. However, joe has responded and his views should be respected.

As Joe said, it's all down to interpretation.

Time for everyone to move on IMO.


I'll move on whenever I want, I'm waiting on more pics from the op to back up his claim!
Thou the op seems to want to push all this on Joe, I hear what he's saying, I don't agree with it!
Just like your entitled to your opinion it's an open forum, Do I care for yours NO!

And as for views being respected then fine back it up, post some detailed images to confirm this, None have been posted because it wasn't a deep scratch.
Obviously daily beater/ surface scratches isn't enough now In a sales thread!

Op has been left sales feedback and hopefully future sellers will multi photo with detailed scratches, marks, worn elements, sound recordings, hell lets just stick in a stool sample, urine sample and sweat sample to top it off

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Put Some Respect On My Name
I'm not siding anyone but i believe what i see from the pics that have been posted here and i still think that it is not a very deep scratches by what buyer is saying.

And also to buyer, it is so unwise to pull in another member to be involve in your issue when all is needed is for you to post a few pics on the condition of the watch when you have receive before sending it for modding to prove your case.

After all, it is you who are the one that receive the watch from Sharrkey and not Joe so i think it is unfair that you pull Joe into this issue of yours while you have been staying out of it. I believe you would have taken pics of the watch if it is really very deep scratches as what you said.

So post it to prove what you said.


Renowned Member
Yeah, this thread has become interesting. Very uncool to drag Joe in other than to show he did great work. It's not joes place to judge who did what. There was a scratch that required work to remove. Simple as that. I don't think Joe is placing blame or pointing fingers.

In my opinion, that scratch from sharkeys pics is not what I would call a deep scratch. In fact, any well cared for watch that is used will have wear like that - but I also know even simple scratches that aren't deep are tough to remove but again this is my opinion and I have no dog in this fight...

At any rate, "new" OP - you have a hell of a watch by the sound of it, wear it proud and be glad you own own of the best MH reps out there. And at the end of the day, what I get out of this is, if you have a watch that you want to turn into a gorgeous show-stopper,
Joe is the man! Not only is his colorless double AR amazing, he has serious skills. Can't wait to see what he has going on with my RBII and 57th! :)

