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The culture at rwi


Banned member, the goat does not approve
You ramble on and on like a scorned woman. This would all have gone away yesterday and you had the opportunity to enjoy the forum like most of us do. You don't approve of my posts ? Wow. Color me not shocked. This site has been around for a long time. There are many of us who have traded and sold together for over a decade. Do you realize that I have sent Franken watches to members here so they can wear them to events ? I've sent watches to members to try out and decide if they want to buy it. All at my risk. Do you know why ? This is a tight nit community . The new members siding with you have your archaic mentality. This is not a car forum. This is a worldwide forum. I've made good friends on here. Some local and some far away. You have a lot to learn and I'm now of the opinion that you never will. Enjoy the " I just bought a $100 watch and I'll keep everyone updated of every motion it makes while it gets to me ". That's your following. I prefer to engage the members that can give feedback on true life technical issues and reviews of new releases.

You ramble on and on like a scorned woman. This would all have gone away yesterday and you had the opportunity to enjoy the forum like most of us do. You don't approve of my posts ? Wow. Color me not shocked. This site has been around for a long time. There are many of us who have traded and sold together for over a decade. Do you realize that I have sent Franken watches to members here so they can wear them to events ? I've sent watches to members to try out and decide if they want to buy it. All at my risk. Do you know why ? This is a tight nit community . The new members siding with you have your archaic mentality. This is not a car forum. This is a worldwide forum. I've made good friends on here. Some local and some far away. You have a lot to learn and I'm now of the opinion that you never will. Enjoy the " I just bought a $100 watch and I'll keep everyone updated of every motion it makes while it gets to me ". That's your following. I prefer to engage the members that can give feedback on true life technical issues and reviews of new releases.
I called you out specifically. You talk about scammers quite a bit. From my experience scammers tend to lie and avoid answering questions. You passed judgment on me and even talk sh*t about the city of Los Angeles, maybe implying because of what I have done previously pro Bono to help my comm
unity. So please dont talk about your charity. Thats not charity., that i
s still commerce. Sure you didn't have to do it via those methods, but since you have been so judgemental. I call you out.

I am very forthcoming with my life as I have lived with integrity. I don't claim to know things I don't, nor do i tell people how life should be lived.

I call you out again. You claim we work in the same industry, as if you know me. What is it that I do? Since we're in the same industry. Why do you try to create distraction when you can simply show me that your not full of sh*t. A honest I don't know is also ok... it doesnt make you less of a man.

I told you I'm no young buck.... I predicted this from you Mr. Hall monitor. Alot of people here seem to support you. People here tell me it's about credibility. Show me your credibility. I have not criticized you. But now I question your credibility (not whether you can get a replica watch) but as a human.

If you have a pair.... please answer my question.

You circled around everything except answer what you were called out on. You call me archaic. I'm sorry but getting a good deal is smart and is what is current. Otherwise you would probably only have 1 td. Finding new ways of doing things is called innovation. So instead of criticizing me and calling me a rambling girl, man up and show me that what you say has credibility.

What do you do? What do I do? What field do we work in? Since the issue has been about reps, I'll keep it at that...

And who cares who follows who? Is your self esteem measured by how many likes you get on rwi?

If your a credible man, then please don't dance around like a fool, but answer my questions that you claimed to know. Straight up. Stop saying I don't get the point. All you want me to do is shut up by acting like a bully. I'm entitled to my opinion. So where you at sir?


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
BORING! I returned my 🍿. Nothing to see here, except just another lame attempt at...
sally kohn troll GIF by The Opposite of Hate


Regendary Member
Staff member
Moderator Sales
As an "off topic" subject, I recently had an experience here on this forum which, I feel was blown way out of proportion. I had random people talking shi* which got me wondering whether it's this particular site's leadership and culture or is it the culture of the rep market.

This bit kinda annoyed me & very little does tbh.

No it is not the culture of the rep market or a product of the sites Leadership.

I suspect it was reactionary.

I'm only new to this area myself, with countless members having decades more expertise in this world than me.

But they are our defence, and like it or not, what you did, could, by anyone, be construed as 'shilling' & this is seriously frowned upon (1/F/3).

I don't care if you have any association with the site, or whatever, or where you work, what you do, where you live, even you, who appears to enjoy trolling, I mean writing, defensive paragraphs can understand why you got such a reaction.

Like it or not, imho the reaction was warranted. You were called out for it, you apologised, it was killed by @daytona4me , he even killed it further when another member commented.

But then you decided to post this thread, and publish PMs, which is another NoNo!

One look at the below post shows you how the Leadership frown on this kind of behaviour/ culture.

The Admin, staff and membership all look out for each other - it's that simple.

If you don't want an opinion on something, don't post. But don't be surprised when someone/anyone replies with an opinion different to yours.

And whatever you do, please do not tar the whole rep market with the one brush.
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Banned member, the goat does not approve
This bit kinda annoyed me & very little does tbh.

No it is not the culture of the rep market or a product of the sites Leadership.?

I suspect it was reactionary.

I'm only new to this area myself, with countless members having decades more expertise in this world than me.

But they are our defence, and like it or not, what you did, could, by anyone, be construed as 'shilling' & this is seriously frowned upon (1/F/3).

I don't care if you have any association with the site, or whatever, or where you work, what you do, where you live, even you, who appears to enjoy trolling, I mean writing, defensive paragraphs can understand why you got such a reaction.-

Like it or not, imho the reaction was warranted. You were called out for it, you apologised, it was killed by Daytona4me, he even killed it further when another member commented. - I'm grateful to admin Daytona4me for that.
But then you decided to post this thread, and publish PMs, which is another NoNo!

One look at the below post shows you how the Leadership frown on this kind of behaviour/ culture.

The Admin, staff and membership all look out for each other - it's that simple.- I know... why wouldn't they...

If you don't want an opinion on something, don't post. But don't be surprised when someone/anyone replies with an opinion different to yours. - I am open to open to opinions as I'm sure if you check any of my postings, but it's the bullies who instigate and the double standard that bothers me.

And whatever you do, please do not tar the whole rep market with the one brush.
This bit kinda annoyed me & very little does tbh.

No it is not the culture of the rep market or a product of the sites Leadership. - Could it be the way the leadership relays the message?

I suspect it was reactionary.- agreed

I'm only new to this area myself, with countless members having decades more expertise in this world than me.

But they are our defence, and like it or not, what you did, could, by anyone, be construed as 'shilling' & this is seriously frowned upon (1/F/3).- I agree and understand it can look that way. Hence at the first notice of it I was actually looking for ways to delete it. (Via your site)-

I don't care if you have any association with the site, or whatever, or where you work, what you do, where you live, even you, who appears to enjoy trolling, I mean writing, defensive paragraphs can understand why you got such a reaction.- lol i had to Google trolling to see what it was....lmao

Like it or not, imho the reaction was warranted. You were called out for it, you apologised, it was killed by Daytona4me, he even killed it further when another member commented. - I grateful and have commented thanknsee to him for that

But then you decided to post this thread, and publish PMs, which is another NoNo!- I apologize for that, had I known that part would never have been published. As far as the post Here, isn't this included in random topics?

One look at the below post shows you how the Leadership frown on this kind of behaviour/ culture.

The Admin, staff and membership all look out for each other - it's that simple.- of course why wouldn't they?

If you don't want an opinion on something, don't post. But don't be surprised when someone/anyone replies with an opinion different to yours. - I don't think I have an issue with anyone's opinion. I agree and think that everyone is entitled to their opinion. It creates evolution...

And whatever you do, please do not tar the whole rep market with the one brush.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Eboy, why would you do that? There must be a higher power... NYX Cosmetics was started by a very close friend. And has been featured on Forbes Magazine cover as America's richest self made millionaire women along with others like ebay ceo Meg Whitman. She is only ranked #82 by forbes in 2022 with only a net worthnlbof 350 million. Assumingly I don't have any credibility with you, so I'm sure you nor bmw760 believe me. If only you knew the reason I'm on this board, you'd probably kissing my a*. I have many influential friends and thus never took the time to look into reps. The only reason I started to get interested was when sports watches 2ndary market started going crazy and simultaneously reps had become very good. I'm a fool for expecting anything different....


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Smiles1818's make-up be like:
And if you're interested and moderators approve, I sell you Tourneau's Christmas gift cheap. This year, it's only MANNI extra Virgin olive oil set. Or Gearys champaign they sent this year. What did your TD's send you..lamo.... yousee, i can easily be an a hole as well. But whats the point. I love people. I hope some of these band wagon folks can realize...


Banned member, the goat does not approve
And if you're interested and moderators approve, I sell you Tourneau's Christmas gift cheap. This year, it's only MANNI extra Virgin olive oil set. Or Gearys champaign they sent this year. What did your TD's send you..lamo.... yousee, i can easily be an a hole as well. But whats the point. I love people. I hope some of these band wagon folks can realize...



Legendary Member
Staff member
Moderator Sales
If you read the response on the seller (which I admit I low balled) does it seem like I was pissed based off his response? Mr moderator, that is the far from the case...

I really think that this is the culture I was referring to in this post. Look its not my site, you don't have to allow me here, nor do I have to work towards the approval of anyone to be 'apart' of rwi. Have you considered that this could be a viable issue? If your forum sets a tone like this, how likely do think it can last when it discourages people from sharing their opinions. Hopefully forever, but we all know there are other options as well always newer options coming up.

I know for a fact that there are many many members on here that may feel/think the same, but may be reluctant to rock the boat. After all, they need your approval to sell their rep on your site right?
Let me clear something up for you. The "your" you are addressing is not me since it it's not my site. @trailboss99 and @daytona4me are the admin here.

No one here is discouraging from sharing your opinion. But, your opinion gained traction, a reaction. This is it. You throw the stone and then hide the hand? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequence!!!

And once again, very bold of you to assume that we sales moderators approve stuff based on a member's adherence to not sharing their opinion. As if this was some banana republic. I wish you could find one sale that was nuked or a member that was banned because of a moderator or admin's whim.

Just say it outright, you think we're a dictatorship here and you are trying to lead a rebellion.

That was acknowledged in this post incase you have read it. After hearing feedback from an admin, I realized where it comes from. That was acknowledged as well.

Why would you take offense to an opinion that I have? It's not predatory, harmful, or a danger to anyone or anything.

If you look at my posting history, it's not much, because as you say I have been just reading and researching and learning. I ever asked, nor expect to be spoonfed. I asked for a little consideration., not automatic judgment.

That member and I are very cool, in my initial response. We have even offered to help each other out when possible. Although he shouldn't and wouldn't get involved, that was far from the issue. So please, do not assume. Do you rwally think im upset for him.not accepting my offer? I knew it could be taken the wrong way soni worded thenoffer very methodically and carefully. Please eead howni worded it. And if your asking someone to look at this for a giggle, then it shoes your character in deed.

If sharing my opinion from my experiences is to stir an non existtent pot. We can have a difference of opinion. Read my post. I too have been met with great help and showed gratitude. What is it with you... is it immediate judgement without understanding? Whatever it's your life...

And now the non existent bandwagon comes.... grab some popcorn
I looked at your post history, a lot of it was you defending yourself over accusations of trying to sell on behalf of someone else. That alone disqualifies a lot.

As someone else has said, you sure do write a lot and say nothing.

You may continue to write all you want. We don't ban people here for disagreeing. No one here owes you anything.
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⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
Smiles1818, I'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay? Have you or any of your family been diagnosed schizophrenic? Mentally incompetent?
Smiles1818 told me in private that her uncle thought he was Saint Jerome.

I'd call that a big yes to my question.

OK, let's continue the questioning:

Are you, Smiles1818, menstruating right now?



I'm Pretty Popular
Wales, UK
I think I know the person who started this thread as she appears regularly on forums and electronic bulletin boards around the world. She has been in and out of institutions from the age of fourteen. At school she was assessed as having a high IQ but was disruptive and occasionally violent to both fellow pupils and teachers. At the age of sixteen she attacked her mother with a garden fork after she supported her husband’s side of a pointless argument against her. She had to be restrained at the house by three officers when her hysterical behaviour got so out of control that she attempted to burn the house down using petrol and a gas fuelled fire lighter.

It was at this time she was assessed, and schizophrenia was diagnosed, and various treatments were recommended. Some months after this incident and while on a home visit she absconded and wasn’t seen again for nearly two years. She came to light again when she was arrested for attempted robbery at a store selling alcohol. Once again she found herself in a fully secure residential hospital where she was given access to the internet as part of her recovery therapy.

This is where it all started as she was allowed to join forums like this in the hope that the interaction would help to reintroduce her back into what is laughingly known as the civilized world. By the time she was twenty she had cleverly convinced doctors that she was a reformed character and once again she was released to a halfway house. Of course she disappeared again and hasn’t been seen in person since, although on one occasion she was almost discovered when an apartment was raided in California where she was believed to be living. When the authorities finally gained entry they found a dinner still hot in the microwave and cables from a laptop trailing from sockets in the wall.

Where is she now? No one really knows but occasionally she materializes on forums like this under a variety of pseudonyms.


⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
I found this photo under the same username on a customer support forum of Tourneau / Bucherer (with most posts by this user in the Hublot section, interestingly):