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The culture at rwi


Banned member, the goat does not approve
As an "off topic" subject, I recently had an experience here on this forum which, I feel was blown way out of proportion. I had random people talking shi* which got me wondering whether it's this particular site's leadership and culture or is it the culture of the rep market.

Days ago, I was 'educated' via pm on how this platform works. Initially, i had a difference in opinion, but at the end this member was pretty spot on. So i decided to try and enact the advice which ended up with an unintended result.

I think I can determine that newer members are trained to carry on a negative culture by bullying, talking shi*, nor having any understanding before making judgement. Although it is a typical social norm to want to fit in, but all I experienced were idiots who kiss the ass of admins to gain some sort of "power" feeling on a internet forum.

To the member that took the time to provide me their advice, I thank you and understand what you are saying. I hope there are other places that can have a positive helpful environment.

I am not posting my initial response to his as I know that will only bring the bandwagon folks



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A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
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I'm Pretty Popular
One person doesn't represent RWI or the rep watch community as a whole.

Obviously they were offended by your low offer, and should have simply said "No, thank you" or ignored it all together. I feel we aren't getting the whole story from your side, considering you aren't posting your initial response. As for offers, they are usually ignored/rejected unless the seller is having difficulty moving the piece.

Also, as far as I know, PMs aren't to be posted for the public unless otherwise stated. Just fyi.

Some life advice for you dude, just take the hit on the chin and move on. This post was a waste of time and won't accomplish anything.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
One person doesn't represent RWI or the rep watch community as a whole.

Obviously they were offended by your low offer, and should have simply said "No, thank you" or ignored it all together. I feel we aren't getting the whole story from your side, considering you aren't posting your initial response. As for offers, they are usually ignored/rejected unless the seller is having difficulty moving the piece.

Also, as far as I know, PMs aren't to be posted for the public unless otherwise stated. Just fyi.

Some life advice for you dude, just take the hit on the chin and move on. This post was a waste of time and won't accomplish anything.
Also, as far as I know, PMs aren't to be posted for the public unless otherwise stated. Just fyi. - another 'rule' I didn't know... I guess im going to get banned now...

Obviously they were offended by your low offer, and should have simply said "No, thank you" or ignored it all together. I feel we aren't getting the whole story from your side, considering you aren't posting your initial response. As for offers, they are usually ignored/rejected unless the seller is having difficulty moving the piece. - that I understand... if I'm 'allowed' to share my response message, I have no problem posting it.

One person doesn't represent RWI or the rep watch community as a whole. - I understand that, however after my experience recently it leads me to my opinion.

Some life advice for you dude, just take the hit on the chin and move on. This post was a waste of time and won't accomplish anything.- thanks for the advice... the hope was to try and encourage leadership to help change the culture, which imo wouldn't be bad. I don't mind taking a hit on the chin, but I will not be bullied. It's only my thought, but i thought this forum was created for people to come together and help eachother on a specific hobby. It's not only my experience, but also from many other threads i have read that I see/experience happens here regularly
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Banned member, the goat does not approve
One person doesn't represent RWI or the rep watch community as a whole.

Obviously they were offended by your low offer, and should have simply said "No, thank you" or ignored it all together. I feel we aren't getting the whole story from your side, considering you aren't posting your initial response. As for offers, they are usually ignored/rejected unless the seller is having difficulty moving the piece.

Also, as far as I know, PMs aren't to be posted for the public unless otherwise stated. Just fyi.

Some life advice for you dude, just take the hit on the chin and move on. This post was a waste of time and won't accomplish anything.
And I'm sure there are plenty of "newer" members that feel the same way, but rather not deal with the bs and thus may be reluctant to add input


I'm Pretty Popular
Also, as far as I know, PMs aren't to be posted for the public unless otherwise stated. Just fyi. - another 'rule' I didn't know... I guess im going to get banned now...

Obviously they were offended by your low offer, and should have simply said "No, thank you" or ignored it all together. I feel we aren't getting the whole story from your side, considering you aren't posting your initial response. As for offers, they are usually ignored/rejected unless the seller is having difficulty moving the piece. - that I understand... if I'm 'allowed' to share my response message, I have no problem posting it.

One person doesn't represent RWI or the rep watch community as a whole. - I understand that, however after my experience recently it leads me to my opinion.

Some life advice for you dude, just take the hit on the chin and move on. This post was a waste of time and won't accomplish anything.- thanks for the advice... the hope was to try and encourage leadership to help change the culture, which imo wouldn't be bad. I don't mind taking a hit on the chin, but I will not be bullied. It's only my thought, but i thought this forum was created for people to come together and help eachother on a specific hobby. It's not only my experience, but also from many other threads i have read that I see/experience happens here regularly
First of all I think you should realize sooner than later that majority of forums or clubs or groups online are typically toxic. People don’t give a damn and they think they can get away with whatever. So if someone is disrespectful either ignore or bite back. People suck.

Second, the people that I have asked for advice and such have been very nice to me in here. Only a few have shown the superiority complex.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
First of all I think you should realize sooner than later that majority of forums or clubs or groups online are typically toxic. People don’t give a damn and they think they can get away with whatever. So if someone is disrespectful either ignore or bite back. People suck.

Second, the people that I have asked for advice and such have been very nice to me in here. Only a few have shown the superiority complex.
Thanks... I haven't had time to be on forums years (decades), so maybe my expectation was wrong.

People who's life revolve around sucking off the people who they perceive as strong while trying to punk people who they perceive as weak definitely sucks. It's my understanding that's what bullies do.

I agree, I have had some questions answered my many with respect and alot of knowledge. For that I am grateful.

I think it's a few bad apples that create this environment. And who knows, whether some of these 'bullies' or 'hall monitors' actually have even met eachother in real life... but I do feel like there is an 'old boys club' mentality as I feel like I have seen double standards.


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
You still don't get it. The mods stepped in and edited your posts for the benefit of the members and even yourself. Yet you still can't drop the issue. Makes me question the pedigree you claim. I work in your industry and without a thick skin and a pitbull mentality you don't make it for long. I'd suggest you have a short memory and move on.


Legendary Member
Staff member
Moderator Sales

Sorry to say that the person you interacted with is spot-on.

You also have to understand where we come from. You have no idea how RWI gets taken advantage of daily.

I think the person gave you a better preview of the forum than anyone else would had cared to give a newcomer.

I do take offense to your assertion that members boot-lick the admin team. I’ve been here for too damn long to know that for the amount of shit this places does for people who get scammed and done wrong, the members tend to appreciate that sense of security the staff gives them. Things that we do for free, no matter if noob or old timer, supporter or not.

We have a helpful and positive environment to those who do their diligence by researching and contributing (not necessarily monetarily). We won’t spoon feed you or cater to you just because you’re new. There are countless resources that are here in hopes that they’re used. We don’t cater to leeches.

All I take away from this is:

You’re pissed cuz you got called out on a shitty offer.

This is an attempt to stir a non-existent pot.

@trailboss99, this should give you a giggle.
Last edited:


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
In a matter of approximately half an hour he spammed multiple threads to a scam site. What were we all supposed to infer ? We have all seen so many scams here. The purpose of the mods and members is to keep the place free of that. Maybe you'll eventually get it.


Legendary Member
Staff member
Moderator Sales
In a matter of approximately half an hour he spammed multiple threads to a scam site. What were we all supposed to infer ? We have all seen so many scams here. The purpose of the mods and members is to keep the place free of that. Maybe you'll eventually get it.
I should had done my research before posting. Just did and… wow.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
You still don't get it. The mods stepped in and edited your posts for the benefit of the members and even yourself. Yet you still can't drop the issue. Makes me question the pedigree you claim. I work in your industry and without a thick skin and a pitbull mentality you don't make it for long. I'd suggest you have a short memory and move on.
What's the issue? That issue was regarding the posts as per your reply. I have no problem with that. If you re-read you will see that. That has been since settled, hasn't it? Have I said anything about it?

If you think that if I shut up that I undertand the issue? We have a difference of opinion. What I'm talking about is a separate issue. The issue is with the culture and double standards that I experienced, which I am entitled to have an opinion about.

Have you ever thought that i may actually get something you don't? I have received many pms with this post from newer guys who feel the same, but just not rather deal with the bs. Do you understand that??? Before the mods stepped in, I volunteered first. Do you have selective memory or just poor memory? I have no problem with the post being erased, infanct I have even asked for another post to be deleted.

Following up on your history of posts and replies, do you really think that you should mention pedigree? Your comments are typically negative, criticizing, belittling and sometimes unnecessary. Imo, youre just a hall monitor, with a need to flex your power on rwi.

When i read your comment and tagged me, I was perplexed and confused because I will say it again, it was never my intention. You were the first person to inform me that was spam. I have attached screen shots for your memory. I presumed you were an admin of some sort, so I offered to remove it and even you are or arent, i was wanting to remove it as i understnd that this could be taken as a misunderstanding. So i do think i understand that issue very well. I dont appreciate you're emoticon reactions to try and belittle me or make you feel good... I don't know nor do I care... it just showed me what type of confidence and self esteem you have. I too question your pedigree as being.

Because i have valued this site, i immediatemy went to the rules section at the bottom of the page. I didn't see what the violation was, but it didn't matter, I didn't want any issues so I still offered to take it down. It never occurred to me that it would be viewed as a sales violation. Which, BTW isn't in that tab for the rules. I dont think we were in the sales section, so it never crossed my mind. Is that hard to accept? Am I now an evil, lying, scamming character to you??? Lol. Donyou not have the capability to understand any of what I'm saying?

What industry do i work in? Please tell me what i do for a living please.... because if we are in the same industry, what do you do? What do you know so much better about life (not this forum). That you feel you need to advise/teach me, when it's obvious you don't know what I do. I'm not a young buck and I'm pretty sure they I may possess some traits that I think work toward creating success.

The post issues has been long resolved and moved on from. Why do you think i apologized for jacking the thread. Why did i not answer a question i received from a member regarding an image post that was made at the same time, that is still up? Why have i asked to have that removed?

moving on.... sir maybe its you that needs to move on and stop assuming and let it go. I will say I admire the fact that your life revolves around rwi.

Please tell me what industry i work in and share with me what you do. I can validate that or show how ignorant you are. I would love to hear a reply. But seeing what I have experienced you probably wont tell me what I do, nor what you do...

You still don't get it. The mods stepped in and edited your posts for the benefit of the members and even yourself. Yet you still can't drop the issue. Makes me question the pedigree you claim. I work in your industry and without a thick skin and a pitbull mentality you don't make it for long. I'd suggest you have a short memory and move on.



Lunnyfied by Raddave
In a matter of approximately half an hour he spammed multiple threads to a scam site. What were we all supposed to infer ? We have all seen so many scams here. The purpose of the mods and members is to keep the place free of that. Maybe you'll eventually get it.
I’m pretty sure “he” is a “she” and that this is a desperate cry for attention. We are better off just letting this die.


Banned member, the goat does not approve

Sorry to say that the person you interacted with is spot-on.

You also have to understand where we come from. You have no idea how RWI gets taken advantage of daily.

I think the person gave you a better preview of the forum than anyone else would had cared to give a newcomer.

I do take offense to your assertion that members boot-lick the admin team. I’ve been here for too damn long to know that for the amount of shit this places does for people who get scammed and done wrong, the members tend to appreciate that sense of security the staff gives them. Things that we do for free, no matter if noob or old timer, supporter or not.

We have a helpful and positive environment to those who do their diligence by researching and contributing (not necessarily monetarily). We won’t spoon feed you or cater to you just because you’re new. There are countless resources that are here in hopes that they’re used. We don’t cater to leeches.

All I take away from this is:

You’re pissed cuz you got called out on a shitty offer.

This is an attempt to stir a non-existent pot.

@trailboss99, this should give you a giggle.
That was acknowledged in this post incase you have read it. After hearing feedback from an admin, I realized where it comes from. That was acknowledged as well.

Why would you take offense to an opinion that I have? It's not predatory, harmful, or a danger to anyone or anything.

If you look at my posting history, it's not much, because as you say I have been just reading and researching and learning. I ever asked, nor expect to be spoonfed. I asked for a little consideration., not automatic judgment.

That member and I are very cool, in my initial response. We have even offered to help each other out when possible. Although he shouldn't and wouldn't get involved, that was far from the issue. So please, do not assume. Do you rwally think im upset for him.not accepting my offer? I knew it could be taken the wrong way soni worded thenoffer very methodically and carefully. Please eead howni worded it. And if your asking someone to look at this for a giggle, then it shoes your character in deed.

If sharing my opinion from my experiences is to stir an non existtent pot. We can have a difference of opinion. Read my post. I too have been met with great help and showed gratitude. What is it with you... is it immediate judgement without understanding? Whatever it's your life...

And now the non existent bandwagon comes.... grab some popcorn


Banned member, the goat does not approve
In a matter of approximately half an hour he spammed multiple threads to a scam site. What were we all supposed to infer ? We have all seen so many scams here. The purpose of the mods and members is to keep the place free of that. Maybe you'll eventually get it.
If that were scam sites I and no idea they were. I found then intriguing and thoughtnother members would do to. Like I said buddy,y life doesn't revolve around rwi and I am new to reps.... is that hard to believe? I'm not asking you to like me... just that I am new to this rep thing and especially this political spectrum of rwi. I do value the technical information I have received and/or learned from write ups


Banned member, the goat does not approve

Sorry to say that the person you interacted with is spot-on.

You also have to understand where we come from. You have no idea how RWI gets taken advantage of daily.

I think the person gave you a better preview of the forum than anyone else would had cared to give a newcomer.

I do take offense to your assertion that members boot-lick the admin team. I’ve been here for too damn long to know that for the amount of shit this places does for people who get scammed and done wrong, the members tend to appreciate that sense of security the staff gives them. Things that we do for free, no matter if noob or old timer, supporter or not.

We have a helpful and positive environment to those who do their diligence by researching and contributing (not necessarily monetarily). We won’t spoon feed you or cater to you just because you’re new. There are countless resources that are here in hopes that they’re used. We don’t cater to leeches.

All I take away from this is:

You’re pissed cuz you got called out on a shitty offer.

This is an attempt to stir a non-existent pot.

@trailboss99, this should give you a giggle.
If you read the response on the seller (which I admit I low balled) does it seem like I was pissed based off his response? Mr moderator, that is the far from the case...

I really think that this is the culture I was referring to in this post. Look its not my site, you don't have to allow me here, nor do I have to work towards the approval of anyone to be 'apart' of rwi. Have you considered that this could be a viable issue? If your forum sets a tone like this, how likely do think it can last when it discourages people from sharing their opinions. Hopefully forever, but we all know there are other options as well always newer options coming up.

I know for a fact that there are many many members on here that may feel/think the same, but may be reluctant to rock the boat. After all, they need your approval to sell their rep on your site right?


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
You ramble on and on like a scorned woman. This would all have gone away yesterday and you had the opportunity to enjoy the forum like most of us do. You don't approve of my posts ? Wow. Color me not shocked. This site has been around for a long time. There are many of us who have traded and sold together for over a decade. Do you realize that I have sent Franken watches to members here so they can wear them to events ? I've sent watches to members to try out and decide if they want to buy it. All at my risk. Do you know why ? This is a tight nit community . The new members siding with you have your archaic mentality. This is not a car forum. This is a worldwide forum. I've made good friends on here. Some local and some far away. You have a lot to learn and I'm now of the opinion that you never will. Enjoy the " I just bought a $100 watch and I'll keep everyone updated of every motion it makes while it gets to me ". That's your following. I prefer to engage the members that can give feedback on true life technical issues and reviews of new releases.


Repoholics Anonymous
Heart of Europe
That's a nice text, but hey - that's rather wishful thinking of our colleague ;-)

I have sold 50 or more watches here and can only tell you that it depends on the watch whether you are flexible with the price and sell it to "noobs". It's perfectly clear that if I have a rare, sought-after old Pam or a VSF/Noob Rolex, for example, which I got here cheaply myself and pass on at the same price, the in-box explodes. If a noob then writes to me that he wants a 100 or 200 euro discount and, in the worst case, also wants to have discovered any flaws, I naturally have a laughing fit. But not every watch is wanted. I've also had lemon and rather exotic models where I had to revise my asking price considerably if I wanted to get rid of the watch at all. But of course not a few minutes after I set the watch ;-)

If the colleague has sold all his watches at his desired price to long-established members, he either has only offered rare and popular watches or he doesn't take the truth very seriously.

And last but not least: the tone makes the music. If a noob writes me a nice PM, why shouldn't I sell him the watch? At least to me, that's a thousand times better than a patron who has been a member here since 1945 and first tries to badmouth the watch in order to perhaps get a better price.