I have refrained from posting pictures here for a few reasons.
1. My watch addiction is the other addiction I have. Grills being the other.
2. I own 3 grills and plan on buying another.
3. 2 of 3 grills I own are not in operation and are not Weber's.
4. I am embarrassed to show them to you, but I will one day soon.
1. Weber Genesis from 1991, still operational, 3 SS burners, Green. Best grill I have ever owned.
2. Traeger Pellet Grill from 2005. Broken and rusty. Needs paint and a new igniter. Awesome grill to cook on, it's like an oven. I am more of a sear guy...so.. No motivation to fix it. In my warehouse now, collecting dust.
3. Welder made, (my brides dad) 4 Rack rotisserie Propane monster. It weighs literally 1000 pounds I bet? Not real sure. It's about 3.5 feet wide and 5 feet tall. Needs some additional welding and some TLC. (Dad passed so this is important for my wife, that we keep it.) In a warehouse now until I can get it fixed up and moved.
We live in the North, it's cold in the winter and summers are the best around. It won't get dark till 10PM sometimes during the summer, so we use our grill at least 2-3 times a week. During the winter, I need something that lights up works without much effort.
So what is my next grill? Another Weber Gas. I am just torn between the S470 and S430. The 470 gets me a sear station, IR burner, Smoke burner. It will also cost me some of my watch allowance.