Nothing compares to Gen great pick up! I have one of the last runs before Rolex went random and it is without a doubt a favorite in my collection. Congratulations to you on a beautiful piece
I put my TC next to it and started to do some comparisons wasn’t worth it in my opinion. I figured what’s the point in it? I love my TC for what it is a great attempt nothing more, but to try and to try and put any Rep factory’s attempts next to the R factory’s creation is well let’s just say $600 vs $6000 and the TC is still just a TC at $600 and we’ll we all know what Rolex prices were and what they are now. $6000ish in 2009 and what $12000 in todays market give or take? I say enjoy every Rep for what it is, and if the comparing and bashing start to rise then put Rep down and go Gen. Well done my friend wear it in the best of health 
Nothing compares to Gen great pick up! I have one of the last runs before Rolex went random and it is without a doubt a favorite in my collection. Congratulations to you on a beautiful piece