spider87 said:
I know

I was also just saying a great deal came from this thread haha. I think the goal of this contest was to get noobs more involved in posting and stuff and that it did haha. Well bed time... Hey this contest is going to be over soon isn't it?
You guys hit it right on the head; the whole idea is to get more new members (I'm not sure that I like the term noobs, it's kind of derogatory) to get involved in RWI and post on these forums. It would be great if we had hundreds of entries but the reality is that most new members browse around and rarely post. It's understandable when you consider that there is a huge amount of knowledge here and people feel a little intimidated to start a new post or contribute to an existing one. Personally I think we have done OK; you guys have made some great contributions, and as Alviando says; his post count has gone from 20 to 150.
@SpaCityHustler - That sure is a nice looking Rolex you have there on your 'terracotta' carpet. It's a very classic watch design that will survive well past almost all the modern designs that we see today. In photographic terms I think a gold finish is easier to photograph than a chrome finish since you get less flare. This makes it your gain. Given that our contest will end shortly I think you should put a few shots together and enter the contest officially.
@Spider87 - May 16th eh, I'll put it on my calendar. I've got 25 relatives visiting from the UK that week, is it OK if I bring them along?
@DrWatch - Sorry to hear that your PO has some issues but it looks like a resolution is on the way. You also need to put together an entry; why not base it on the problems you had? Points are awarded for photographic skills/improvement not for the color quality of your dial!
@Pix - Pix want's to throw in an extra watch prize but I told him that I didn't think it was worthwhile unless we got some more entries. Of course I can be easily overridden on this; I guess it's down to you guys.
@LevelmanRoger - Poor Roger is trying to run a business when the whole country has tanked. Roger and I were the originators of this post and I feel bad for him while he tries to support his customers when we are disputing the details of a 'fake' watch. Looking forward to seeing an update of your 'prize' winning UBoat Roger.