Solk, I don't know you but I'm relatively sure that your participation in this watch project stems from your love for RWG. That is a honorable motive and is beyond reproach. As you and others keep pointing out Luth is not making any money on this project, in fact, actually losing money, a lot of money. All that would be admirable if he was motivated by love for his forum. The reason for the scrutiny is because of Luth's seemingly negative opinion of RWG since his arrival here. As much as you love RWG many members here feel the same way about RWI, therefore it's not, how did you put it "fooking bull shit",(that may not be the exact term) for long time members here to question Luth's motives as to WHY he would be so quick to and actually proud of the fact that he's losing all this time and money building a watch for a forum that he's not a part of and post negative comments about....I'M SORRY FOR POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS!
And Luth while we disagree on many things, I have nothing against you personally and I really love the watch design and hope it all works out perfectly...I really hope you don't decide to attack me personally for stating what many of us are thinking.
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Mitch, we can disagree on many, even on all things, but it doesn't mean I disrespect you. Quite an opposite. OK, here's a few answers to you:
First - I do NOT have any negative opinions about RWG, there's tons of people, whom I love and respect, and it was my home for more, than 4 years. Some shit happened between me and Administration in a matter of terminology, that was against my principles, and I stay behind my principles, doesn't matter what. Did I feel sorry, that I left? Not in a second. Will I ever come back. No way.
Why I still working on RWG watch? Because I'm professional designer, I love to design things, and this watch is my child, doesn't matter, is there RWG on dial, or my own brand name. Also - I promised this watch to the Forum, to my friends, and I'm trying to keep my promises. Always.
Second - again, and the last time about money. Yes, I'm losing quite a lot, but why nobody pay any attention to the things I said many times already? I said - more, than half of the money are in molds and fixtures. So, maybe, not from second batch (which will be NOT RWG or RWI branded, but with my own brand name), but from the third and fourth and next batches, that will be available to the general public - I definitely will earn some, and, maybe, quite good money, IF the general public will love and buy my watches. So, eventually, all losses will be covered. Again - let me repeat it - me and Mary going legit, she's tired of replicas scene, and I perfectly understand her - 4 years of crazy work, 2 nervous breakdowns, ended in hospital, no money can buy health she lost. And she perfectly understand the danger of it. Don't worry, she's not retiring... yet... but she will.
And third - to Sub - no, mate, I don't hate you, not at all. You are smart man, and it deserve respect already. So, chill out, I'll not appear at your doorsteps in the near future.

And if I will - I'll come with box of the best beer in the World. Your only problem is - you have no any slightest idea, of what China is, how to do business there, and how much things cost there, but you present your conclusions as a knowledge, that you don't have. But I'm OK with it, because here's many people, who definitely know a lot about business in China, and they know, what I'm talking about.
About RWI watch. I don't have ANY plans to start it before RWG watch saga will be finished. And even after that - I'll have to think, if I want to do it. Am I sure, that RWG watch will be 100% perfect? No. It could be above my expectation, and it could be below it. I simply don't know. All the parts, that I've seen myself, are good. But final product... I have no idea. Maybe, 99% of buyers will be super happy, but I'll be not. I just hope, that it will worth $300, and people will be happy. Just last night I've talked to Mary, and she told me, that she found a shop, that specialize on watch parts, and movements parts, even A7750/A7753 movements parts. So, after sale service and repair (if needed) will be not a problem. I'll ask Chris, what A775X parts need to buy, and we'll have stock. Also, I bought 20 more A7753 mov'ts, just in case.
OK, I'm done with this thread. Huge thanks to Solky, turkish, Scone and others, who helped and stand behind this project.
Oh, and to Kleen - you ARE an idiot. Only idiot would continue to do shit, after many people spit in your face.