Just received a Rolex 118348 from Marvelous Replicas - excellent rep and the movement seems to be very accurate. I have several questions though. I have searched but can't seem to find a clear answer.
I will be getting a watch winder but in the meantime I might not wear the watch every day. If this is the case, and I want too keep the watch going, how many turns should I wind it to keep it running?? For example 25 turns will keep it running for 24 hours, or will it require 50 turns ? Thank you for any assistance.
Another question regarding watch winders. The one I've ordered has four settings:
Mode0:Winder is off
Mode1:Clockwise only:Run 2 mins,6 mins rest and repeat cycle
Mode2:Counter-clockwise only:same as Mode1
Mode3:Run 2 mins Counter-clockwise Rest 6 mins Rotate 2 mins Counter-clockwise Rest 6 mins Repeat
Mode4:Rotate 5 mins Clockwise and 5 mins Counter-clockwise,the cycle will last about 3 hrs and rest 9 hrs before repeat again see less
Which one will be best for the ETA 2836 ?
I will be getting a watch winder but in the meantime I might not wear the watch every day. If this is the case, and I want too keep the watch going, how many turns should I wind it to keep it running?? For example 25 turns will keep it running for 24 hours, or will it require 50 turns ? Thank you for any assistance.
Another question regarding watch winders. The one I've ordered has four settings:
Mode0:Winder is off
Mode1:Clockwise only:Run 2 mins,6 mins rest and repeat cycle
Mode2:Counter-clockwise only:same as Mode1
Mode3:Run 2 mins Counter-clockwise Rest 6 mins Rotate 2 mins Counter-clockwise Rest 6 mins Repeat
Mode4:Rotate 5 mins Clockwise and 5 mins Counter-clockwise,the cycle will last about 3 hrs and rest 9 hrs before repeat again see less
Which one will be best for the ETA 2836 ?