Now the old guy got mad
I'm not mad brother, you're hilarious, love seeing Gen Z kids on the forum
You have no experience in the replica game, a misunderstanding of how replicas work, so let me explain it, since you gave me a good laugh.
Most of these "factories", including VSF, Clean, ZF and top tier factories don't produce their movements. They have exclusive contracts with movement suppliers to provide them with replica movements. The DD4130, VS3135, 3235, 3285, all top tier movements like this.
This movement is the same. Look at the ZF movement that puretime compared to the previous pictures here. They're exactly the same. They're not a clone, ZF is using the same movement.
Furthermore, you underestimate how difficult it is to clone this kind of thin movement, especially with the intricate gen features. Reps are good but not THAT good. Rolex movements are not exactly complicated to clone, RM movement is. There is a reason Vaucher clone costs 10k+.
So am I pessimistic. Fuck yeah I am, I've been around the block long enough to see this happen over and over again. You can be optimistic - in fact it's a good thing. But you might be waiting a few years till eternity for a proper clone.